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123Employee Virtual Assistants vs. Amazon Alexa

November 02, 2015 – – When 123Employee opened its doors in 2006 the types of services the company provided were virtually unknown. Many people had never heard of virtual assistants and were unaware of how valuable they can be to twenty-first century businesses.

“When we first opened, it wasn’t like opening a typical company with services people recognize,” says CEO Daven Michaels. “Most people didn’t know what a VA was or how hiring a VA would benefit their business. We had to define our concept before we could promote our business.”

Virtual assistants are personal or business assistants who work remotely for a fraction of the cost of hiring onsite personnel. They assist clients with marketing, managing social media platforms, email marketing and any other services required by the companies they serve.

In 2014 when Amazon began rolling out its own idea of a virtual assistant, the Echo, people were willing to spend $180 or more to be among the first to own the black, cylindrical device. The app, which answers to Alexa, connects to a home Wi-Fi network using a phone app.

Just like a VA, your wish is its command.

Says Daven Michaels, “Technology is advancing and Amazon is still working the kinks out of the Echo, but people will always need to work with other people. 123Employee has been continuously refining service offerings since we opened our doors in the Philippines. Last year we expanded our company to included offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. We keep costs down so our services are affordable for entrepreneurs. No matter how far technology advances, that will never change.”

For information about how your business can benefit from virtual assistants and 123Employee, please checkout 123Employee.


Contact 123Employee:

LJ Gacho
4045 Spencer Street
Las Vegas NV 89119

ReleaseID: 60005016

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