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4Patriots Applauds Fort Worth Officials for Proactive Stance on Potential Lead Contamination

Lead in drinking water can be a serious problem, especially for children. Fort Worth, Texas, officials are taking a proactive stance to make sure lead does not poison residents, and 4Patriots commends them for it.

4Patriots Applauds Fort Worth Officials for Proactive Stance on Potential Lead Contamination

Nashville, TN , United States – July 5, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

There are many contamination problems with drinking water in the United States. Two years ago, Flint, Mich., became the poster child for this issue, due to the discovery of unsafe levels of lead in the water being consumed by its citizens, including children. Lead is one of the most dangerous of the contaminants, especially for children with developing bodies and brains.

Officials in Fort Worth, Texas are trying to stay ahead of the curve by replacing lead pipes that carry water to homes, according to the NBC-TV affiliate in Fort Worth. Step one in this undertaking involves finding old lead water service lines that run beneath the streets. In many cases, officials do not know which are made of lead and which aren’t.

“We at 4Patriots commend Fort Worth city officials for trying to quash a potential problem before it manifests itself in the form of dangerous, contaminated water,” said Allen Baler, Partner at 4Patriots LLC, a Nashville, Tenn.-based company that provides a variety of products that help people become more self-reliant and independent.

“But considering how many different contaminants exist in drinking water across the country, people would be wise to keep themselves and their families safe by acquiring a water purification system that will remove those contaminants from their tap water.”

Baler’s company offers the Alexapure Pro tabletop water purifier, which is capable of transforming contaminated water from virtually any source into clean, safe, delicious water.

An advanced engineered, two-stage filter removes up to 99.99 percent of contaminants, including heavy metals such as lead, as well as arsenic, pharmaceuticals – even E. coli and polio. Drinking contaminated water, regardless of the source, can cause serious illness and even death.

With a 2.3 gallon-per-hour flow rate, the Alexapure Pro purifies water about three times faster than many of its competitors. Users will be able to access up to 5,000 gallons of fresh, clean water from it before the filter needs to be replaced. Priced at $197, that comes to approximately 4 cents per gallon. Bottled water, usually originating from unknown sources, costs considerably more.

No gas, electricity or water pressure is needed to operate the Alexapure Pro. It removes contaminants using only gravity, producing the most essential item to have now and during an emergency: clean, crystal-clear water.

“Fewer than 50 percent of the U.S. population are confident in their tap water, according to an Associated Press poll,” Baler said. “It’s time that people do something to protect themselves.”

In addition to complimentary shipping, those who purchase the Alexapure Pro water filtration system also receive a credit card-sized steel survival tool featuring 11 different functions, as well as a hardcopy book, “The Water Survival Guide.”

They are also able to acquire the Alexapure Go Bottle (priced at $47), which features the same advanced engineering of the Alexapure Pro and which can filter 300 gallons of water, can be stored in a backpack or bug-out bag, and is ideal for camping, hiking, biking or any other outdoor activities.

Also available from Water4Patriots is the Survival Spring ($24.95), a nine-inch long, two-ounce straw made of BPA-free, food-grade materials that can filter up to 300 gallons of water and can easily be carried anywhere.

Water4Patriots provides products that help people eliminate contaminants from their drinking water, including the Alexapure Pro tabletop water purifier, the Alexapure Pro Go Bottle and the Survival Spring straw. Each product purifies contaminated water from virtually any source into clean, safe, delicious water.

Contact Info:
Name: Tim Boyle
Email: timm.boyle@4patriots.com
Organization: 4Patriots LLC

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/4patriots-applauds-fort-worth-officials-for-proactive-stance-on-potential-lead-contamination/213636

For more information, please visit http://www.4patriots.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 213636

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