Flat Belly Overnight Reveals Easy Trick To Do Before Bedtime To Drop 2 Pounds of Stomach Fat
Flat Belly Overnight, a new fat loss program from fitness professional Andrew Raposo reveals a simple trick to do before heading to bed to drop 2 pounds of stomach fat the next morning.

Columbus, United States – March 5, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —
Flat Belly Overnight, a new fat loss program from Andrew Raposo, a known fitness trainer from Canada has shows people how to use a easy trick that can be performed before heading to bed can allow people to shed up to 2 pounds of stomach fat by tomorrow morning.
Andrew Raposo, the creator of the program used this trick to help his sister who was having major health problems to drop a large amount of fat in a short of amount of time. Andrew Raposo’s sister continued to use this belly slimming trick each night before bed which led Amy to lose 11 pounds in the first week and the end result was 52 lbs burnt off in less than six weeks.
The Flat Belly Overnight course created by Andrew Raposo doesn’t involve any gym time, calorie counting, high intensity interval training or starving the body. Experts claim to drop weight a person must exercise 3 to 5 times a week and eat healthy foods on a constant basis. The issues is that this advice changes once someone hits the age of 40 years old. People under 40 years of age are able to cut calories, workout a few times a week and see consistent results, but at the age of 40 cutting back calories isn’t good for the body.
In addition, metabolism slows down as aging increases and metabolism is critical for maximum fat burning. So when the body consumes less calories and has slowed down metabolism the body will hold on to fat around the waist and stomach regions.
Fruits and vegetables, the core of a healthy eating plan are not as healthy as once thought. New research shows a fat storing hormone is injected into certain fruits and vegetables for a number of reasons. These hormones create inflammation within the body which causes an increase in toxins within the stomach. These toxins stored in the stomach makes it hard to burn off belly fat and with the other items listed above makes it almost impossible.
Andrew Raposo, the author of Flat Belly Overnight claims this trick works for people under the age of 40, but men and women over 40 will get the most benefit. The reason behind this is due to the hormonal changes that occur when people are 40 years of age and over. This hormonal change is what causes traditional diets and workout programs to become ineffective, but Flat Belly Overnight takes advantage of this shift in hormones which results in increased fat burning, increased energy and better overall health.
The Flat Belly Overnight program consist of the main program called “Flat Belly Overnight”. This is the exact protocol Andrew and his sister Amy use before bed to boost metabolism, burn fat and relax the body for a great night sleep. The program also reveals the types of foods that need to be consumed before bed to get maximum fat burn. No calorie counting is required for this bedtime trick to work.
Visit The Official Website For Flat Belly Overnight To Learn More About This Belly Slimming Trick
This one trick contained in the Flat Belly Overnight program is responsible for Amy Raposo’s weight drop, but Andrew Raposo decided to enhance it and improve upon it by adding two other modules. The second module is a 3 minute sequence to target belly fat and firm the midsection even more. These sequences activate the body’s core using diaphragmatic breathing. The third module inside the Flat Belly Overnight program helps to remove toxins from the body. This helps improve the release of belly fat, improve health and immune system functions.
Andrew Raposo, author of Flat Belly Overnight is offering a 60 day money back guarantee so that people can try out his new fat loss method and see the results for themselves without any personal risk.
For more information about us, please visit http://trustworthyfitness.com/go/flat-belly-overnight-official/
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