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MyFoxBoston News Release Discusses Concerning Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuits And Drug Safety

April 22, 2016 – – ZofranLegal.com reports on the details of an online news release from myfoxboston.com, which talks about the overall safety of corporate giant GlaxoSmithKline’s anti-nausea drug Zofran, specifically for “off-label” use, which is frequently occurring among expectant mothers. “Off-label” use refers to a use that has not been FDA-approved. The news release follows hundreds of lawsuits recently filed from parents across the nation against GSK, prompting the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to transfer and consolidate the mounting cases to a single court in Boston, Massachusetts, and to form MDL number 2657.

Lawsuits from across the United States were filed by plaintiffs who similarly allege that fetal exposure to Zofran places babies growing in the womb at increased risk for the development of severe and life-threatening birth defects. Defects most commonly linked to Zofran exposure by the plaintiffs are: cleft lip and palate, tetralogy of fallot, respiratory distress, transposition of the greater vessels, atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect, kidney defects, and clubfoot.

The MyFoxBoston News article discusses the lengthy popularity of Zofran as a treatment for nausea associated with morning sickness among pregnant women, especially during the first trimester of their pregnancies, which happens to be a time when the fetus does much of its initial mouth, limb, and heart tissue formation. Many of these women indicate that they were not aware that the drug prescribed to them was never FDA-approved to treat expectant mothers, or tested for safety in this aspect. The release also states that over four dozen lawsuits which were filed against GSK by parents who claim that their children’s lives have been traumatized and ruined due to Zofran exposure. Several parents share devastating stories of losing their babies shortly after birth due to the severity of their defects.

Yes, GlaxoSmithKline reportedly willingly chose to market their drug in an “off-label” fashion as an effective and safe morning sickness treatment, not just to pregnant women, but to OB/Gyn offices across the country as well. This has caused “off-label” prescriptions to be given by doctors.

At this time, the attorneys of Monheit Law are working to help other mothers who have taken Zofran and who went on to give birth to children with defects. Affected women, children, and families could be entitled to significant compensation, and are greatly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to explore their legal rights in the matter. To help those wishing to investigate their legal options fully, the attorneys of Monheit Law are currently offering free legal consultations to qualified individuals.

For additional information on Zofran lawsuits, or to ask questions, please contact Attorney Michael Monheit by calling 877-620-8411.


Contact ZofranLegal.com:

Michael Monheit
1368 Barrowdale Road, Rydal, PA 19046

ReleaseID: 60009558

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