Slim Belly Fix Review Reveals How Women Can Flatten Estrogen Belly in Just 60 Seconds Without Changing Their Diet
Doctors have recently discovered a new hormonal condition that they are calling Estrogen Belly. Slim Belly Fix claims to flatten “Estrogen Belly” in women in just 60 seconds without changing their diet.
Los Angeles, CA, United States – June 15, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —
Slim Belly Solution is a newly launched fitness program which helps women get a bikini body in just a matter of three weeks devised by top nutritionist Keri Wahler. This fat loss system works by keeping a person’s blood sugar stable with proper meal and workout plans. The program recommends people to eat every three hours a day, this would keep their energy levels high and would stop them from feeling famished and empty.
The author of the program, Keri Wahler claims that a 60 second trick performed in the morning can stimulate belly fat loss while reducing the possible risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes and other health related issues. The Slim Belly program was born out of an situation when Keri Wahler’s infant daughter received emergency medical care due to a rare disease, Wahler was tested to see if she also carried the disease.
VIDEO: Discover A 60 Second Morning Trick For Women Over 35 To Get a Flatter, Slimmer, Firmer Belly
Keri designed this program especially for distraught women who find themselves at loss when the fat around their bellies, hips and thighs starts to increase by each passing day and the underlying culprit remains unknown. This program helps all those women who have been disappointed by gym-commitments, strenuous workouts and difficult/tasteless diets which have only taken efforts and have not provided rewards.
Slim Belly Fix stimulates rapid and appreciable weight loss from the first day. It takes minimal amount of time and energy. It is not only simply convenient but also miraculously effective and that’s Keri’s guarantee that women will definitely see the change in themselves just after a few days. Their belly would feel tighter and slimmer without any persistent and tiring expenditure of time, money and energy.
The program is divided into four parts. The first part is The Introduction Manual which contains useful information on how a person can shed all the unwanted flab. The program contains methods that would help support a person’s body as they drop off excessive body fat. Moreover, these methods also contain information about nutriments which boost the metabolic rate, aid fat burning and help curb people’s appetite.
Click Here To Download The Complete Slim Belly System by Keri Wahler
The second part of the program is The Diet Manual which involves eliminating harmful and toxic foods that encourage the body to store fat. Additionally, it helps people make some significant changes to their diet to cast off stubborn pounds and get a flat tummy fast. This diet plan helps improve a person’s digestive system and metabolic rate, also increases energy.
The third part is The Exercise Manual which helps people pick any suitable exercise from the list. It teaches people to do four sets of maximum repetitions. It helps people start a stringent regimen right from the beginning, meaning exercising at a moderate pace and increase as soon as they stop feeling challenged.
Women also receive the Slim Belly Sleep Detox program, which offers an easy to use bedtime routine for burning belly fat overnight. Also included is the recipe for the Estrogen Balancing Elixir, the key to the Slim Belly program’s success and a series of 3-minute belly slimming routines designed to help tone and tighten up the stomach. “Slim Belly Fix is specifically for women who haven’t been able to see a flat and firm belly no matter how hard they try,” said Wahler.
With the Slim Belly program, women receive a morning protocol template that shows them exactly what to do when they wake up to increase their female metabolism and burn belly fat all day long. According to Wahler, “The magic is all in the unique combination and selection of all natural herbs, spices, and minerals.
For more information, visit the official website here:
The Slim Belly Solution is available right now for a limited time reduced rate, and each purchase is backed by a no hassle, no question asked 60 day money back guarantee. This allows women to try out Keri Wahler’s new Slim Belly Solution risk free to see how the program works for them.
For more information, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Linda Barry
Organization: SlimBellyFix
Release ID: 119333