Never Too Early to Teach Kids About Money—Tips from founder David Ning
June 22, 2016 – – Irvine, CA, June 22, 2016— Financial information site founder David Ning says parents should include money in the things they teach their children about, and offers some tips to do just that.
Evenfor those who haven’t seen the 1972 classic film Cabaret, chances are most people have heard the refrain, “Money makes the world go round.” It’s true now, more than ever, and according to David Ning, founder of the financial information website, finance is much more complex than it was in the days when cash was the common way to pay for things. Regular use of credit cards and online payments can make family finances obscure to children, so it’s important that money not be a taboo subject because children start forming their lifelong behavior patterns at an early age, and a little education goes a long way.
In a recent blog on, staff writer Miranda Marquit talked about getting her 13-year-old son a debit card. She specifies that he had already demonstrated that he can manage his cash. The reason for the debit card, Marquit says, is “to learn how to manage money in a cashless situation.”
“An 18-year-old heading off to college is legally an adult, and responsible for the financial decisions they make,” Ning says. “Typically, at that age, they aren’t going to have all the money they would like, and should know how to cut costs instead of making purchases on credit cards. By giving teens knowledge and experience with budgeting and cutting costs, parents can minimize their own costs as well as prepare their teens for independence.”
Ning says it’s important to teach teens that money management doesn’t mean they can’t have what they want. Internet access is mandatory for student success, and most kids just can’t survive without cable, so show them how much money they can save by ordering both services from the same company, such as with Verizon’s Triple Play bundle, which also includes a phone line. By signing a contract, they may be able to get the bundle for less money than they would otherwise pay for internet service alone.
About David Ning’s approach encourages people to take control of their finances, become debt free, and build wealth over time. Visit for more great info, and even some more tips on getting Verizon discounts.
Contact MoneyNing (Astute Actions Inc.):
David Ning
113 Weathervane
Irvine, CA 92603
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