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Social Media Deciding Factor in Personal Injury Cases

August 26, 2016 – – Toronto, May 17, 2016 – Social media is becoming more important in personal injury cases as judges use the publically available information to validate the claimant’s statements. The distorted nature of social media means that claimants may find their cases either supported or undercut by their online presence.

Pace Law Firm, an experienced personal injury practice, advises clients on the influence that social media has on any claims in today’s connected world. Nancy Young, a personal injury lawyer with Pace Law Firm, has this to say: “The only way to avoid the potential of your social media accounts becoming an issue is to delete all accounts upon signing on with a personal injury firm.”

With over 75% of Internet users active on social media, these platforms are filled with content that can either support or damage a claimant’s case. This includes posts, videos, pictures and check-ins that counter claims of depression or injury. In fact, insurance companies invest a lot of money tracking down evidence against claimants by digging into their social media activity.

As social networking continues to evolve, so will the laws governing them. For more information about how personal injury cases are influenced by social media activity, contact Pace Law Firm through info@pacelawfirm.com or by visiting their website. They’re also available on Twitter at @PaceLawFirm and Facebook. To reach their main office, call 1-844-722-3529.

About Pace Law Firm:

With over 35 years of experience and a legal team of over 165 professionals, Pace Law Firm has unparalleled expertise and experience. Providing exceptional client service in over 37 languages, the lawyers and staff at Pace Law Firm deliver results.


Contact Pace Law Firm:

300 The East Mall, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M9B 6B7

ReleaseID: 60012066

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