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Annual Halloween Festivities in Grass Valley, California

November 08, 2016 – – Despite the storm the night before and possibility of scattered rain, cheery children lined the streets of downtown Grass Valley, CA to collect their Halloween treats from local businesses.

Each year on Halloween the historic downtown district closes the streets off to motorized traffic to allow children to safely wander from business to business. The event mainly garners preschoolers and drew over 1,000 children this year.

Dharma Acupuncture in Grass Valley, recently opened on Mill St in the downtown area and participated in the event by handing out glow bracelets, small bottles of water, and assorted low sugar treats along with neighboring businesses.

As an acupuncturist, Lisa Swanson, owner of Dharma Acupuncture, wanted to offer healthy choices as an alternative to candy. They were well received, and she reports that bottles of water were the most requested item available.

Being a natural medicine practitioner, one of Swanson’s specialties is acupuncture for children. Swanson believes that steering kids towards healthier choices can make a huge difference in their immunity, which is particularly important given the upcoming shift in weather and the onset of flu season.

To learn more about Dharma Acupuncture’s services for children please visit: http://www.dharmaacupuncture.com/pediatrics.


Contact Dharma Acupuncture:

Lisa Swanson L.Ac.
8591 E Bell Rd #103
Scottsdale AZ 85260

ReleaseID: 60013200

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