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MedicalGPS Announces Launch of M3 Patient Experience to Improve CG-CAHPS Scores

Organizations utilizing the M3-Patient Experience to supplement their CG CAHPS process having on-going intelligence that helps them continuously improve patient perception throughout the year

MedicalGPS Announces Launch of M3 Patient Experience to Improve CG-CAHPS Scores

Nashville, TN – June 1, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

CMS estimates that 600,000 clinicians are subject to MIPS in 2017 as it relates to Medicare Part B. Few clinicians are exempt from MIPS except under a few conditions. MIPS will determine Medicare payment adjustments and is an acronym for; Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. Using a composite MIPS performance score, eligible professionals (EPs) may receive a payment bonus, a payment penalty, or no payment adjustment.

MIPS started on January 1, 2017, and assesses eligible providers in four performance categories to derive a “MIPS score” from 0 to 100. MIPS scores will significantly impact a provider’s Medicare reimbursement in each payment year from -9% to +27% by 2022.

MIPS performance categories are weighted as follows:

50% for quality (PQRS/VBM)

25% for Meaningful Use

15% for Clinical Practice Improvement

10% for Resource Use

Measuring patient expectations and delivering superior patient satisfaction plays a significant role in today’s healthcare environment. Failure to meet patient expectations can result in dissatisfaction, which reduces revenues. One survey used to determine patient satisfaction for clinic groups is known as the CG CAHPS survey. (More information available at http://medicalgps.com/cg-cahps-survey.aspx.).

The need to meet patient expectations is higher than ever, especially with the government cutting funding for many services and organizations. To help physician practices better meet patient expectations throughout the year, day-in and day-out MedicalGPS introduced M3-Patient Experience®.

“M3-Patient Experience is offered as a Software as Service and provides continuous patient feedback that enables healthcare providers to grow their practices by fostering patient loyalty, aligning patient expectations with experiences, perform service recovery, and reduce the risk of malpractice allegations,” stated company representative Jerry Stone. “By utilizing the tools and services we provide, physician practice leadership can make better-informed decisions regarding day to day operations and stay better connected to their patients.”

The CG CAHPS survey (Clinician and Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems), is considered to be a traditional survey instrument used for measuring patient perception of care received from providers of health care services. The CG CAHPS survey was initially created to help better understand, evaluate and improve patient care experiences and is still in play in many physician organizations today. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the history of CG CAHPS is as follows: “Dating back to the first phase of the CAHPS program (1996-2000), the CAHPS Consortium has recognized the need for a standardized, evidence-based instrument that would enable clinicians and administrators to assess and improve patients’ experiences with their care. In 1999, they began work on a survey that would assess patients’ experiences with medical groups and clinicians. With the implementation of MIPS, there are now alternatives to CG CAHPS, one of which is MedicalGPS’ Internet-based, real-time offering, M3-Patient Experience®.

“Our goal is to empower healthcare providers so that they benefit from patient retention and loyalty,” continued Stone. “We leverage the power of the Internet with M3-Patient Experience and provide open lines of communication between the patient and the patient’s care team. As a result, our program is able to help improve the patient’s experience, which satisfies the entire 15% of the MIPS requirement for Clinical Practice Improvement for 2017.

Specifics about the service offered by MedicalGPS is available at http://medicalgps.com/m3-patient-experience.aspx. With government agencies putting more and more weight on the patient experience year after year, it is becoming more essential for physicians to seek innovative solutions to making improvements to the patient’s experience.


Since back in 1995, the principles of MedicalGPS, LLC have been consistent, to support doctors, administrators and any other healthcare professionals, as they work to better care for and serve their patients while improving the patients’ experience. Founded by Jerry Stone and Marty Hudson, this company has an approach that is simple, but powerful and successful at empowering healthcare organizations to improve patient loyalty.

Contact Info:
Name: Jerry Stone
Organization: MedicalGPS
Phone: 615-628-8940

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/medicalgps-announces-launch-of-m3-patient-experience-to-improve-cg-cahps-scores/204136

For more information, please visit http://medicalgps.com/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 204136

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