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Workers Compensation Attorney Rawa Law Group APC Celebrates Its 12th Anniversary

Rawa Law Group APC is celebrating the 12th year in business and excited about what the future holds in store. For more information visit them at https://www.zrawa.com/our-victories/ to learn what the Rawa Law Group has done.

Workers Compensation Attorney Rawa Law Group APC Celebrates Its 12th Anniversary

Chino Hills, United States – June 20, 2017 /PressCable/

Rawa Law Group APC is celebrating the12th Anniversary, which commemorates 12 fantastic and exciting years, and keeping up with the changing landscape of workers compensation law has been fulfilling. This is a huge milestone for the Chino Hills, California-based workers compensation attorney business. Rawa Law Group has provided Workers Compensation Attorney assistance to Injured workers since 2005. The Rawa Law Group also handles cases in the harassment and termination area, personal injury as well as the wages and overtime areas.

Rawa Law Group APC got it’s start in 2005 when founder Ziad Rawa felt that this area of law was being neglected here in Southern California, especially for undocumented and documented immigrants.

One of the earliest challenges Rawa Law Group APC faced was how to get the message out there to the people that were effected, was difficult at first, but now with social media it is much more targeted. With the use of Facebook ads and website ranking Rawa Law Group has been able to get to the people in need of help.

While every business of course faces challenges, some, like Rawa Law Group APC are fortunate enough to enjoy real successes, wins and victories too. One such victory came when reaching the target audience came, this happened through the use of social media and was a big win.

Ziad Rawa, founder at Rawa Law Group APC was also quoted when discussing another big win. “One of the high points of Rawa Law Group’s history so far was growing the firm into what it has become today with multiple attorneys working on many different area’s of the law in the personal injury space.”

Rawa Law Group APC’s law firm founder, Ziad Rawa says “It is delighting to be celebrating the 12th Year Anniversary. The secret to getting this far in business today is listening to each person that came into the office, and making each of them feel special and unique.”

Rawa Law Group APC currently consists of 15 employees and has big plans for the upcoming year. One of the core objectives is to become the go to law firm in Southern California for the Spanish speaking population that need a personal injury attorney that will listen to cases and act on their behalf..

Rawa Law Group APC would also like to thank friends, customers and all partners for the well wishes on this happy occasion.

More information on the business can be found at http://www.zrawa.com/workers-compensation/

Contact Info:
Name: Ziad Rawa
Organization: Rawa Law Group APC
Address: 5843 Pine Ave, Chino Hills, California 91709, United States
Phone: +1-866-200-1212

For more information, please visit http://www.zrawa.com

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 209393

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