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New Online Resource Matches Beaumont Texas Homeowners with Top-Rated Contractors

Beaumont – Port Arthur area homeowners now have a free online resource to find reliable and experienced contractors in the electrical, plumbing, and heating and air trades. Tigerproservices.com is a directory website listing licensed and insured electrical, plumbing, and HVAC contractors.

New Online Resource Matches Beaumont Texas Homeowners with Top-Rated Contractors

Memphis, United States – June 22, 2017 /PressCable/

Homeowners searching for a good, reliable contractor in the Beaumont – Port Arthur, Texas area have access to a free online resource featuring top-rated contractors in the electrical, plumbing, and HVAC trades.

Tigerproservices.com is a directory website which lists established and reliable local electricians, plumbers, and heating and air contractors in the Beaumont – Port Arthur area. “The Beaumont directory site is our baby and our initial launch,” said Steve Baker, President of Memphis-based Cornerstone Media Partners, LLC. “Our goal is to deliver true value to Beaumont area homeowners and the same is true for each of our featured contractors. The local contractors listed on the TigerPro site are truly the best of the best in the Beaumont – Port Arthur area.”

The new directory site only lists fully licensed and insured contractors. Each contractor must be a member in good standing with the local Better Business Bureau and have a proven track record of positive online reviews from local customers. Steve Baker developed the site to be a quick, easy resource for homeowners. “Hiring the wrong contractor or an unlicensed contractor can result in big headaches for homeowners and it is typically a financial headache when a second contractor is hired to correct or remedy a faulty installation or repair. The TigerPro website seeks to point homeowners toward reputable, affordable, and experienced contractors,” Baker said.

Steve Baker spent 17 years working for a Memphis electrical contractor selling standby generators to homeowners and industry. “I’ve heard many stories from customers about their experiences with folks declaring to be a ‘contractor’,” Baker said. “Some don’t finish the job they were hired to complete and are impossible to reach by phone. We don’t want homeowners to go through that experience and that’s the thought behind the TigerPro site.”

The TigerPro site sets as its primary goal to offer homeowners a free online resource in locating and hiring the best contractors available in the Beaumont – Port Arthur area. Baker pojnted out other excellent contractors might not be listed on the TigerPro directory. “Any contractor is welcome to apply for a listing. The contractors listed simply caught our attention first. They’re good at their trade and have a proven track record of 4- and 5-star online reviews. Local homeowners can read online contractor reviews and also post a review on the TigerPro site.”

Tigerproservices.com also benefits local contractors as an added traffic source in attracting new customers at very low cost. “Our formula is quite simple,” Baker said. “Clients only pay for each new lead. That’s it. There are no advertising fees and we don’t share leads with other contractor clients. Clients only pay when a consumer decides to contact one of our client contractors for electrical, plumbing, or HVAC service at their home or business. It’s a win-win for the homeowner and contractor,” Baker said.

The new website is giving away a month of free leads to local contractors in celebration of its launch into the Beaumont – Port Arthur market. Baker added, “The contractor is provided an online portal where leads are monitored and tallied,” Baker continued. “The business owner can listen to recorded incoming calls to make sure potential new customers are handled well when they call in. Business owners can easily quantify the customer value for each new lead and gain an appreciation for the value our service adds to the bottom line.”

The TigerPro directory will soon expand to other Texas cities and is also eyeing other states for future expansion.

Contact Info:
Name: Steve Baker
Email: steve@tigerproservices.com
Organization: Tigerproservices.com
Address: 10241 Cottage Oaks Cove, Memphis, TN 38016, United States
Phone: +1-855-256-2050

For more information, please visit https://tigerproservices.com

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 210245

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