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Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Announces Car Accident Law Legal Helpline

A toll free helpline has been set up in Toronto for those who have been involved in an auto accident or personal injury and need a lawyer or healthcare professional to talk to.

Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Announces Car Accident Law Legal Helpline

Hamilton, Canada – August 8, 2017 /PressCable/

Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Announces Car Accident Law Legal Helpline. Autoinjury.tips a new personal injury and car accident free helpline has been set up to help those who have been injured and are being affected both financially and medically to assist in getting help.

Autoinjury.tips is a toll free helpline for people needing advice in the Toronto area. Those injured in auto or personal injury accidents and are suffering the affects now have access to 24 hour advice on how to get the compensation they deserve and so badly need.

“So many people who have been injured through no fault of their own just do not know were to start to look for help and having access to personal injury lawyer’s is a vital step in helping them recover.” Autoinjury.tips says

Having access to a free service that can put people in touch with legal and healthcare professionals who can help get them back to normal again can help remove a lot of stress during a time of need. Being involved in a car accident or suffering a personal injury puts a lot of stress on people who sometimes do not know how to find the right help. This free helpline will give them piece of mind and make the process of finding help so much easier.

In Toronto thousands of people are injured every year because of some one else’s negligence. These individuals should not have to suffer the financial burden that comes form missing work due to personal injury or healthcare expenses because of a car accident. Connecting professionals to those who are injured is a very important service and can make a world of difference. Just being able to talk to the right person who can help is what this service is all about and Autoinjury.tips looks forward to helping as many people in need as possible with this helpline.

Find out more here www.autoinjury.tips

Contact Info:
Name: Prem
Email: autoinjurytips@gmail.com
Organization: Autoinjury.tips Helpline
Address: 865 Upper James St, Hamilton, ON L9C 3A4, Ontario, Canada
Phone: +1-888-232-9996

For more information, please visit https://www.autoinjury.tips/

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 226263

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