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Recoveryderech.com Launches, Offering Addiction Recovery Help for the Jewish Community

Site provides Jewish addiction recovery information and confidential, anonymous contact by email and phone

Cleveland, United States – March 7, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

Recoveryderech.com launched today, offering members of the Jewish community resources regarding addiction and alcoholism treatment. The site, which is a companion to the Torah-based 12 step book, The Path to Addiction Recovery, is intended to connect Jewish alcoholics and addicts, as well as their loved ones, with Jewish-oriented recovery resources. The site also contains a confidential, anonymous phone number and email address for Jews seeking information about addiction recovery.

“Unfortunately, there’s often a big stigma attached to addiction in the Jewish world,” said a spokesperson for the site. “Jewish people worry that they’ll be viewed negatively by other members of the community if they admit to having a drug or alcohol problem. While this may be true, there’s a growing consensus that seeking help is the right path to take. That’s why we wanted to create a safe, confidential and anonymous resource for Jews struggling with addiction.”

Recoveryderech.com is intended for Jewish people who are dealing with virtually any kind of addiction. Indeed, as Jewish community leaders are now acknowledging, Jews are affected by addictions related to gambling, spending, pornography and sex, Internet and eating. The site lists information about finding AA meetings in the US and in Israel as well as contacts for organizations that help Jews overcome addiction. There is also a secret Facebook group for Recoveryderech.com.

The book “The Path to Addiction Recovery” helps Jewish alcoholics and addicts engage in the 12 step recovery process in a Torah context. Using a 30-day program format, the book provides a Torah passage and comments that connect the passage with addiction recovery concepts. For each day, the book also offers 12 step recovery exercises. For each of the 12 steps, the book presents daily step work exercises based on a pasuk from the Chumash. Over 30 days, the reader will work through all 12 steps guided by texts from Bereshis, Shemos, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim.


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Contact Info:
Name: Hugh Taylor
Organization: RecoveryDerech.com
Address: PO Box 21661 South Euclid OH 44121
Phone: (440) 815-1836

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/recoveryderech-com-launches-offering-addiction-recovery-help-for-the-jewish-community/310272

For more information, please visit http://www.recoveryderech.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 310272

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