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KitchenTopDeals Experiences Fast Growth from Accepting Cryptocurrencies along with Regular Payment Options

Kitchen gadget online store, KitchenTopDeals, undergoes growth since its start in early 2018. The U.S. start-up attributes its success on accepting cryptocurrencies as well as traditional payment methods.

Los Angeles, CA, United States – April 25, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

Online start-up store experiences quick growth due to the website’s acceptance of cryptocurrencies as payment for their kitchen gadget products.

KitchenTopDeals is an online store that offers a variety of barware, dinnerware, drinking ware, knives, kitchen tools and other similar home gadgets. The start-up company launched in early 2018 and has grown rapidly, attributing much of its success to its strategy of accepting cryptocurrencies as well as traditional methods of payment.

The website advertises being an “All-in-one place for kitchen gadgets” and offers a wide selection of products that are well-known best sellers. KitchenTopDeals not only provides the absolute best selling items at competitive prices, but they also offer a newsletter as well as free samples and gifts.

The massive collection of kitchen tools and gadgets available on the site (https://kitchentopdeals.com/) is only a part of their success. The U.S. start-up is operated by a European company called Pactum Unity which invests millions in online ventures that produce an equally impressive amount in sales. The main feature of the company is their willingness to accept cryptocurrencies as well as traditional online payment methods.

“When you visit our online storefront, you will find an excellent selection of competitively priced home bar equipment and kitchen appliances. We know you want your products delivered in perfect condition as fast as possible, so we invest in distribution in an effort to be the fastest and most reliable shipper in the industry. Accepting several types of cryptocurrencies adds to the versatility of our best business practices that customers want most.” – KitchenTopDeals

About the Website: KitchenTopDeals is a U.S. start-up company that was established in February 2018. The site instantly experienced high sales and revenue due to its ability to accept cryptocurrencies alongside traditional payment methods for its products.

Contact Info:
Name: American Culinary Federation
Email: sales@kitchentopdeals.com
Organization: KitchenTopDeals
Address: 180 Center Place Way St. Augustine
Phone: (904) 824-4468

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/kitchentopdeals-experiences-fast-growth-from-accepting-cryptocurrencies-along-with-regular-payment-options/336859

For more information, please visit https://kitchentopdeals.com/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 336859

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