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Bill Torvund on How Light Serves as a Form of Healing

Both as a waveform and a vibration, spiritual light exists in multiple dimensions of reality as the mind of God.

Minneapolis, MN – May 31, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

There are many ways professional energyworkers believe one can heal a soul, one of which being light. It entails making oneself available to a dimension of consciousness outside of ones present level of formative experience and is a journey that facilitates conscious, emotional and physical recovery. As more souls experience and feel their connection with the Divine that allows this, new perceptions, inspirations and understandings will arise that advance both the knowledge of the healing process and its practical applications. Bill Torvund, leader of the Sanctuary of On, discusses the role of spiritual light in restoring the harmony of body and soul conditions.

Both as a waveform and a vibration, spiritual light exists in multiple dimensions of reality as the mind of God, and as infinite, sacred potential. To manifest upon the Earth, it requires a partnership with human beings in order to access, share and transmit. It is actively transforming the planet and all embodied souls that live upon it. As light travels, it raises the energetic and physical vibration of all it encounters, which serves two main functions. One is to support and amplify the light with all things, so that it may grow and expand. The other is to purify and transform by activating energies of separation and darkness that have been held within the physical, emotional and energetic bodies of all souls. The Earth is constantly being purified through the diligent efforts of many lightworkers, teachers and other faithful servants of God.

Light healing cannot be quantified or fit into neat compartments, said Bill Torvund, because divine light is an expression of the infinite Oneness of God, which is beyond time, space and human perception. For this reason, the process of purification manifests uniquely for each individual soul. Those undergoing purification through the power of their own prayer and intention are guided and supported by the Realms of Light during an inner journey that facilitates conscious, emotional, spiritual, karmic and physical recovery. However, with the assistance of a healing practitioner, or someone who is experienced in the healing process and the opening of light bodies to Divine emanation, the process can be made more efficient and physically effective. For example, it is wiser to learn to maneuver a whitewater raft with an expert instructor rather than trying to teach oneself. Torvund’s specific healing gifts allow him to work within the body’s etheric energy field — the vitalizing nature that restores all levels of being — to alter physical blockages and promote restoration of the mind, energy and spirit.

From the age of four, Bill Torvund was aware of his healing gifts, and began his first healing ministry as a very young child. In 1980 Bill was directed by the Holy Spirit to increase his impact and reach by founding The Sanctuary of On, a religious non-profit organization headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Since then, Torvund has travelled the world healing thousands and lecturing on all aspects of spiritual tradition.

Bill Torvund – Founder of The Sanctuary of the On: http://billtorvundnews.com

Bill Torvund (@BillTorvund) – Twitter: https://twitter.com/BillTorvund

Bill Torvund – About – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Bill-Torvund-1678470468880097/about

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Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/bill-torvund-on-how-light-serves-as-a-form-of-healing/353642

For more information, please visit http://billtorvundnews.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 353642

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