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Action AC Raises Awareness about Air Quality for Asthma Awareness Month

Action AC, a premier air conditioning company in the San Diego area brings the topic of air quality to the forefront of conversation during May, the Asthma Awareness Month.

San Diego, CA, United States – May 31, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

Action Air, one of the leaders in providing air conditioning services in San Diego area is determined to initiate conversations about asthma and air quality during the month of May. May is the peak of the asthma season and it is proclaimed the National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a collaborative of the World Health Organization has proclaimed the first Tuesday of May the World Asthma Day. Asthma affects over 24 million Americans, and as many as 240 million people globally.

Even though asthma cannot be cured, there are certain aspects of it which can be controlled. One of the things which is recommended by experts is improving the indoor air quality. Replacing or cleaning air filters should help filter out these particles from the air and make lives more tolerable for asthma sufferers.

“Pollen particles are among the worst offenders when it comes to asthma attack triggers and, sadly, they are quite common this time of the year. They cause many asthma attacks and can be quite a nightmare for the sufferers,” stated Brian Amodio, the CEO of Action Air. He added: “Most asthma sufferers look to their homes for respite from the high concentrations of pollen in the air. Making sure that their AC systems are clean and fully operational is important for maintaining the air quality and purity. Our company prides itself on the integrity and professionalism, but more than anything else, customer care. Raising asthma awareness is our way of giving back to the community.”

About Action Air Conditioning, Heating & Solar: Action AC is a provider of all air conditioning, heating and solar installation related services of the highest quality. Action Air is a local industry leader, with multiple awards and relevant recognitions, including scores of top-rated customer reviews. The company has been serving San Diego for 43 years and is committed to many more.

Contact Info:
Name: Susan Wimenta
Email: susan.wimenta@actionac.net
Organization: Action Air Conditioning, Heating & Solar
Address: 2750 S. Santa Fe Ave, San Marcos, CA 92069
Phone: (800) 400-4152

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/action-ac-raises-awareness-about-air-quality-for-asthma-awareness-month/353070

For more information, please visit https://www.actionac.net/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 353070

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