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Bill Torvund Describes His Methods of Cosmic Attunement

In order to fully comprehend the concept of cosmic attunement, an understanding of the word choice is first needed.

Minneapolis, MN – June 1, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

It is no surprise that sometimes the reason behind the decline of the environment and the preservation of Mother Nature is that individuals have separated from their original human nature. The solution to this common issue can be found by cultivating an intentional alignment amongst the mind, body, and universe. Renowned spiritual teacher and healer Bill Torvund discusses the idea of cosmic attunement, explaining its necessity, and the impactful benefits it provides.

In order to fully comprehend the concept of cosmic attunement, an understanding of the word choice is first needed. ‘Cosmic’ refers to anything related to the universe and all of its natural processes that occur within it, while ‘attunement’ signifies a bringing of harmony or oneness. When the two are combined, it allows an individual to become fully aligned with themselves and their surroundings, creating a higher sense of realized consciousness. Torvund points out that this is not a new supposition, as it was first introduced to the Western world by Parmahansa Yogananda in the 1920s, and remains an ideal well known in Yoga philosophy and meditation. “There are specific reasons why we have lost our ability to attune in this way,” he observes. “On earth, the physical body is so dense that we do not have a genetic ability to be conscious of the various spectrums of cosmic light.” He continues, “We have also looked externally to the nature of the Creator, and its sacredness is generally perceived as being outside of us, rather than within.”

Bill Torvund states that this errant belief results in the loss of one’s awareness of their inherent connection to the divine, which in turn diminishes the capacity to empower themselves and live in a more fluid, tranquil manner. In order to counteract this, certain meditations and exercises can be performed to assist a person in returning to a proper state of attunement with source consciousness, awakening the divine principle within. While such introspections may vary among each individual, the goal is to initiate and then eventually move forward with the process of remaining spiritually connected to creation and conscious transformation, fostering a natural association that is present from birth. Once this has been established, a person will then experience a more abundant and meaningful life, continually benefitting from a universal and mutual association with the soul, body, and physical world at large.

A native of Great Falls, Montana, Bill Torvund began his ministry as a young child, initially becoming aware of his gifts at four years of age. After serving at several churches during the 1970s, he founded a spiritual organization known as The Sanctuary of the On in 1980, with the name chosen as a way to incorporate the synthesis of sacred Eastern and Western initiatic traditions. Over the last 30 years since, Bill has travelled extensively across the world, performing healings on thousands of people, while also providing regular lectures and seminars on various aspects of spiritual traditions.

Bill Torvund – Founder of The Sanctuary of the On: http://billtorvundnews.com

Bill Torvund (@BillTorvund) – Twitter: https://twitter.com/BillTorvund

Bill Torvund – About – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Bill-Torvund-1678470468880097/about/

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Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/bill-torvund-describes-his-methods-of-cosmic-attunement/354942

For more information, please visit http://billtorvundnews.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 354942

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