Herpes Cure Might Exist In The Next Decade, STD Dating Website Says
December 06, 2018 – – Jack Lombardi of the online dating website meetpositives.com maintains a positive outlook that a herpes cure might exist in the very near future.
“Now more than ever, modern medical advancements have cured and prevented some of the deadliest diseases on earth. That is the reason why we maintain a strong positive view that a cure for herpes may be discovered soon; probably in the next decade. As we eagerly wait for it, we are here to support and connect people whose sharing the same medical conditions,” says Lombardi.
HSV, defined as the herpes simplex virus is the pathogen that causes herpes. HSV-1, also known as oral herpes, causes cold sores and blisters around the mouth and the face. It is spread through kissing, usage of the same utensils and sharing of beauty products such as lipsticks or lip balms. Meanwhile, HSV-2, also known as genital herpes, is contracted through sexual contact and manifests as sores around the genital area and also causes painful urination.
Those who think they might be showing herpes symptoms are strongly advised to visit a doctor. This way, once diagnosed, proper antiviral medications can be given. As of the moment, there is no definitive and preventative cure information for herpes. However, sores and other symptoms can be addressed by the use of the many antiviral medications available in the market.
People who have herpes often feel shy about their condition. Meetpositives.com is a herpes dating website that helps people in finding intimacy despite their medical conditions. They help those who have herpes, hepatitis, HPV and HIV and provide a community that can give them proper moral and emotional support.
“It is very important to be open in all types of relationships. Not only between people who have herpes but as well as being open to their doctors. Proper communication will help others understand your situation while being open to your doctor means better disease management,” he added. Though herpes is a lifetime medical condition, proper health management plays a big role in ensuring less breakouts. Medications both oral and topical can significantly help in managing the disease.
Dating with herpes is not as difficult as it seems to be. Having such medical condition does not mean the end of of someone’s dating life. “Meeting people is easy for as long as you are willing to communicate,” says Lombardi.
Meetpositives.com guarantees its users of complete privacy and anonymity while using their services. Their privacy settings ensure that information will be hidden from search engines and even to selected members. Those who do not have their log-in account will not be able to see any information of its members. They also have a dedicated support team which monitors all forums and profiles to ensure the safety of its users.
“I contracted herpes from my roommate. One day as I was taking a shower, I noticed a lesion on my inner thigh near my testicles. I am not sexually active but my roommate is. I do not blame him because I should have told him to go get tested before I got infected. In short, what I am trying to say is that not everyone who has herpes is promiscuous; some get it from their partners who are unfaithful. Some get it from skin contact like me and some are infected by people who got infected long time ago and were unaware of their status. The stereotype is not justified and it is good to get tested even without the symptoms,” says one of its users who posted his story on the the dating website.
“We help positive singles avoid possible rejection by telling a potential mate about their condition. Our members join because they want to find and date others who have experienced the same struggles. Our algorithm matches people who are living with the same conditions, by distance and by their personal saved criteria. Registered members enjoy searching profiles of positive singles who also want to date, share their stories, and learn more about their conditions on discussion forums,” Lombardi added.
Interested parties may check out their official website to see their latest news and updates. Join their growing community on their website as well as their mobile app available for Apple IOS and Android.
For more information about Meetpositives.com, contact the company here:
Jack Lombardi
(855) 747-2031
ReleaseID: 60023297