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Magistrate Marketing Introduces Scrum For Trello

March 29, 2019 – – Vancouver based marketing agency, Magistrate Marketing, would like to announce the launch of their new productivity strategy known as Scrum for Trello. The strategy applies the principles of Scrum to a popular collaboration tool known as Trello, and has seen Magistrate achieve greater productivity than ever before.

About a year ago, the company found itself losing clients more quickly than they could acquire new ones—with their service delivery being late, if arriving at all. The company made use of Trello, a collaboration tool that organises projects into boards, to help create visual representations of how they had worked with previous clients. While it looked pleasing, the tool did little to help the business. However, by combining the principles learned in a book titled ‘Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time’ with Trello, CEO and Founder Adam Steele succeeded in saving the company.

Trello allows users to organise their projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way using boards, lists, and cards. It allows users to, in one glance, determine what is being worked on and who is working on it, as well as how far along any part of a project is. The application has a number of uses, running the gamut from planning family vacations to organizing company projects. The application’s simple-to-use design allows anyone to make use of it to stay organised and collaborate on projects from start to finish.

Scrum is a holistic product-development strategy based around a team that works as a single unit to achieve a set goal. It allows teams to achieve their goals more quickly and be more productive in the long run, while also creating a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment at the end of the working period.

“We’ve found the marriage between the Scrum methodology and Trello enable our team to stay organize and move much quicker, ultimately accomplishing more each week,” says Adam Steele. The principles of Scrum, combined with the tools Trello provides, offer users access to what Adam Steele refers to as Scrum for Trello, and it has helped his company go from near closure to greater productivity than before.

The model used by the agency makes use of six or seven categories. The first is named Resources, and is a list of assets that the company plans on using in the execution of tasks. Sprint Planning is a column used to begin planning the next ‘sprint,’ a period of thirty days or less. Magistrate Marketing makes use of 7-day sprints as they believe this works best with their own projects. The Current Sprint column is a list of tasks that need to be done immediately or within the current sprint. The fourth column is the Blocked list, which is a set of tasks that are impossible to continue due to some external obstruction or other. The last two categories are Quality Assurance (QA) and Done. Quality Assurance is where a completed task is checked to ensure that it meets the company’s standards before being moved to Done, the final category.

The system allows the company to keep track of how fast any particular task is being completed and allows them to show customers actual progress being made in real time. At the end of each week, the Project Master, known as the Scrum Master, can use the information found in the Trello lists to determine how much the team has accomplished and how quickly they can complete projects. With access to this information, it becomes easier to determine what is slowing the company’s progress and how to fix any issues with productivity to help achieve ever-increasing efficiency.

Magistrate Marketing is ready and willing to provide a ready-to-go manual for combining Scrum and Trello. The innovative strategy has allowed Magistrate Marketing to go from nearly having to close down to achieving greater productivity than previously thought possible. The company site features helpful videos explaining the concept of Scrum and how Trello works.

Adam Steele is a self-described, “builder of things,” which includes the online marketing agency Magistrate Marketing, among many others. He is constantly looking for ways to work harder, produce greater results, and is eager to lend his aid to others with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Those interested in learning how to apply Scrum for Trello to their own business may contact Adam Steele of Magistrate Marketing, or visit the company’s website. Furthermore, the marketing firm can also be reached via their social media platforms.


For more information about Magistrate Marketing, contact the company here:

Magistrate Marketing
Adam Steele
(604) 256-3362
170-422 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4

ReleaseID: 60026367

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