Charity Encourages North-Western Muslims To Make Qurbani Donations For Eid Ul Adha 2019
July 29, 2019 – –
Brierfield, England based Hajjah Naziha Charity (HNCO) recently issued a public reminder encouraging the local community of Muslims in the greater North West area to make their donations for the upcoming Eid Ul Adha 2019. HNCO also urges all qualified Muslims to pledge their donations through official charitable institutions, such as HNCO, where they can pay either for a full or part sacrifice that will directly benefit the poor and the hungry across the globe.
This year, Eid Ul Adha starts on 11-August-2019 and ends on 15-August-2019. Also referred to as the ‘second Eid,’ Eid Ul Adha commemorates and celebrates Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion and willingness to sacrifice his only son Ismail to Allah. This season is particularly significant for Muslims across the globe to show their willingness to sacrifice like Ibrahim by means of making donations towards the ceremonial slaughter of a cow, goat, or sheep, the meat of which will be given to those living in hunger and poverty.
Known as Qurbani, this practice is a direct representation of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son due to his devotion to Allah. Allah intervened, however, and instead sent a sheep to be sacrificed in Ismail’s place. He was saved because Ibrahim proved his faith and devotion to Allah, despite the loss it would have caused him. This paved the way to the practice of sacrificial acts during Eid Ul Adha, a reminder of Ibrahim’s obedience to Allah.
“Personal sacrifice is an important part of Islam not only during times of holy significance but also throughout the whole year,” says Gulshan Rehan from HNCO. “Sacrifice keeps men and women humble and grounded, while showing the less fortunate that there is love and hope in the Muslim community. This year, HNCO will be organizing Eid presents for children and gifts for adults too. Everyone deserves to celebrate Eid, no matter where they are, no matter how much money they have or don’t have.” Giving a small donation, he notes, will still go a long way by bringing relief to families around the world.
As noted on the charity’s website, HNCO has teamed up with global organization Muslim Hands to assist in Qurbani 2019. By teaming up with an organization with the experience, outreach, and respect of Muslim Hands, HNCO can reach people in all the places where it would otherwise struggle logistically due to a lack of manpower, overseas licensing, and other formalities.
“We are proud to announce that 100% of proceeds and donations made through HNCO will go directly to the charity causes rather than a portion being required for separate administration costs,” says Rehan. He also states that all adults that meet the requirements of Nisab, and therefore pay Zakat, are eligible to pay Qurbani during Eid Al Adha. He further explains that there is no set amount to pay and the donation is not calculated based on wealth. Instead, donors will choose to give either part or full Qurbani, based on the price of the sacrificial cow, sheep, or goat.
HNCO is a UK-based charitable institution with a global outreach. They are committed to implementing an efficient and compassionate allocation of donations to deserving individuals worldwide. The organization was founded with a mission to help individuals and communities achieve societal harmony and moral excellence by means of working proactively to present peace and interfaith respect. The charity also strives to encourage people to break social stigma, such as those that surround race and religion. Some of their notable programs include providing meals for people in need in Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa, and the UK; digging freshwater wells in rural Africa; supporting orphans from third-world countries with housing, healthcare, and education until they reach adulthood; distributing books and education supplies to children in Indonesia and Africa; and holding free classes in all core academic subjects like English, Science, and Mathematics.
More information can be found on the charity’s website. They also encourage everyone to join the good cause and become one of HNCO’s volunteers by signing up on their website. Furthermore, interested parties may connect with HNCO through their official social media pages to stay up to date with their latest news and announcements.
For more information about Hajjah Naziha Charity, contact the company here:
Hajjah Naziha Charity
Gulshan Rehan
98-100 Colne Rd, Brierfield, Nelson BB9 5NN
ReleaseID: 60029737