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Be a Good Rider – Ride Right

EAST LANSING, MI / ACCESSWIRE / February 24, 2020 / Snowmobiling is an exhilarating way to appreciate a beautiful winter day, so be sure to always "Ride Right" so as not to experience any issues during your snowmobiling rides, suggests the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA).

According to ACSA, a leading cause of lost snowmobile access, as well as the number one complaint lodged against snowmobilers, is trespassing.

"Most land adjacent to snowmobile trails is closed to snowmobiling, particularly when adjacent to private property. Just because there are snowmobile tracks off-trail doesn't mean it's open or legal." said ACSA President Scott Herzog. "No trespassing means no snowmobiling."

ACSA recommends if in doubt about a trail, ask first and know the off-trail rules before you ride. If new to the area, check with local clubs to get the lay of the land. Check with www.snowmobilers.org for a listing of snowmobile clubs, associations and trail information.

Another common complaint against snowmobilers deals with modified exhaust systems.

"Loud snowmobiles with modified exhausts and trespassing off trail are why some snowmobile trails no longer exist," said Herzog.

It is a myth that modifying the original exhaust system on snowmobiles makes them go faster, and while there may be a slight weight reduction, it is generally inconsequential to overall snowmobile performance and maneuverability. Excessive sound levels caused by modified or aftermarket racing exhausts are illegal in most states and a nuisance to landowners, wildlife, the general public and other snowmobilers.

According to snowmobilers.org, current snowmobiles can emit no more than 78 decibels at full throttle. For comparison, normal conversation is approximately 70 decibels; a vacuum is 80; a blow-dryer 100, and a full orchestra is 130 decibels.

ACSA urges all riders to help keep the trails open to everyone and "Ride Right" by staying on the trail and keeping the manufacturer's original exhaust system.

Visit www.saferiderssafetyawarness.org for more snowmobile safety information.

CONTACT: Gretchen A. Monette, All Seasons Communications
PHONE: 586-752-6381
EMAIL: gmonette@allseasonscommunications.com

SOURCE: American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA)

ReleaseID: 576828

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