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The Importance Of Pest Control For Restaurants

Manchester-based pest control company helps save the blushes of business owners by providing solutions to prevent and deal with pest problems before they become big issues.

February 24, 2020 / /

Any food-related business needs to have pest control services. From a local takeaway pizza shop to a large supermarket chain. If there’s food involved, then steps must be taken to prevent and deal with any pests. Youngs Pest Control provides a range of services to help businesses adhere to Food Safety standards and deal with any unwanted animal visitors. This includes wasp, bee, and ant removal, along with the highly popular rodent control service.

All UK businesses have a legal obligation to safeguard their premises against pets. The Food Safety Act 1990, and The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 outline that adequate procedures must be in place when controlling pests. Due Diligence requires that companies use a comprehensive reporting system whenever any pest issues arise. Fail to do this, and businesses can suffer significant fines, along with complete or temporary closure of the company. In fact, since 2016, the fines for any businesses that don’t abide by the food safety & hygiene regulations are at an all-time high. A supermarket in Bromborough was hit with a huge £700,000 fine in August 2016.

Damaging Business Reputations
Pests don’t just damage the financial side of a business, they also harm its reputation. Even if a company avoids permanent closure, it will constantly have a cloud hanging over its head. Nobody wants to eat or buy food from a place that’s known to have a pest problem. Trust between the company and the consumer has broken down. Individuals want to feel confident that the food they’re eating isn’t contaminated and hasn’t come into contact with any animals.

Consequently, many companies end up going out of business due to a severe drop in reputation. If people don’t trust a business, then they won’t go there anymore. This can lead to a huge drop in sales and revenue, making it impossible for the company to stay afloat.

Damaging Business Property
Furthermore, pests do a lot of damage to business property. Rodents – like rats and mice – have a tendency to gnaw on anything and everything. This leads to bite-marks in furniture, scratch marks on the floor/walls, and additional expenses for the business.

Not to mention the fact that pests can leave faeces and urine all over the place as well. Naturally, this causes severe problems for the poor company dealing with this issue.

Pest Control Services Prevent These Problems
Pest problems can come around with no prior warning. In this modern age, all it takes is one sighting of a mouse to leave a business in hot water. If a customer posts the image to social media, it can go viral in minutes. This will lead to the previously mentioned sanctions, loss of reputation, declining customer base, damaged property, and so on.

Youngs Pest Control can help businesses prevent pests from causing financial and physical harm. By offering a range of services designed to keep pests at bay – and remove any existing ones – companies are able to carry on serving customers and maintaining excellent reputations.

For more information on Youngs Pest Control, please contact Rick Young at rick@youngspestcontrol.co.uk – or via telephone on 01617769832. Postal enquiries can be sent to 2 Grasmere Rd, Partington, Manchester M31 4PF, and further details on the company policies and services can be found here: https://www.youngspestcontrol.co.uk/.

Contact Info:
Name: Rick Young
Email: Send Email
Organization: Youngs Pest Control
Address: 2 Grasmere Rd, Partington, Manchester M31 4PF
Phone: 01617769832
Website: https://www.youngspestcontrol.co.uk/


Release ID: 88947753

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