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Creative Biogene Introduces All-inclusive Lentivirus Services

Lentivirus is a promising gene delivery vehicle for a wide range of applications, and Creative Biogene is dedicated to offering comprehensive, end-to-end lentivirus services to global clients.

New York, United States – February 24, 2020 /MarketersMedia/

On January 27, 2020, a paper published in Nature Medicine showed that stem cell-gene therapy has improved the conditions of 6 patients out of 9 with X-linked chronic granulomatous disease, indicating that gene therapy is a very promising treatment for chronic granulomatous disease. In this research, lentiviruses played an important role as the gene delivery vehicle getting the DNA into cells and making it work.

As a world-leading service provider of viral vectors, QVirus™ Platform at Creative Biogene has updated its lentivirus services, offering a comprehensive portfolio of products and services for the efficient design, development, manufacturing and analytical testing of lentivirus vectors.

Lentiviral vectors are the most effective tools for transducing and stably expressing different effector molecules. For cells difficult to transfect, recombinant lentiviral vectors are widely used. However, the production of recombinant lentiviral vectors is hard and challenging, especially when high titer is required. Achieving quantities of challenging cases for customers, Creative Biogene offers custom lentivirus production services to meet every need of every client, from the synthesis of required genetic materials to lentivirus plasmid vector construction, packaging, purification, and tittering.

“We provide custom construction of lentivirus expression plasmid with different promoters or tags,” introduced by a senior scientist in Creative Biogene. “The lentiviral vectors we provide are of consistent and reliable titers at or even above specified level.”

After infecting the host cell, lentiviral RNA genome is integrated into the host’s genome in a random way. The chosen integration site has significant consequences for both the expression of transgene and the phenotype of host cells. Thus, the lentivirus integration site analysis service is also a focus of Creative Biogene. QVirus™ Platform has made a great effort for detecting and sequencing unknown DNA flanking sequences at vector integration sites. Advancing technologies, including LAM PCR, targeted sequence capture technology and lentivirus integration site sequencing, enable monitoring of possible adverse events and guide the development of safer integrating vectors.

For over a decade, QVirus™ Platform has optimized lentivirus production systems, including lentivirus plasmid construction and low endotoxin plasmid preparation, host cells for lentivirus packaging and lentivirus packaging process, cell culture medium, small- and large-scale lentivirus purification process. Apart from the aforementioned services, CRISPR/Cas9 lentivirus production, GMP lentiviral vectors production, replication-competent lentivirus testing, etc. are also provided in QVirus™ Platform.

With an unrelenting drive in bio-scientific research and industry, Creative Biogene has executed every strategy to serve comprehensive services and products for clients on a worldwide scale. By using QVirusTM Platform, gene delivery vehicle products and services for the efficient design, development, manufacturing and analytical testing are customized, standardized, reliable for global clients. More information can be found on https://qvirus.creative-biogene.com.

About Creative Biogene
Recognized as the leading custom service provider with extensive experience in biological and biomedical research, Creative Biogene is formed by a strong team of scientists excelling in gene discovery, regulation, and function. QVirusTM Platform, a division of Creative Biogene, focuses on the one-stop gene delivery vehicle services including Lentivirus, Retrovirus, Adeno-associated Virus, Adenoviruses, Retrovirus, Oncolytic virus, etc.

Contact Info:
Name: Marcia Brady
Email: Send Email
Organization: Creative Biogene
Website: https://www.creative-biogene.com

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/creative-biogene-introduces-all-inclusive-lentivirus-services/88947845

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88947845

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