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Paduka Consultants Private Limited Publishes New Tips to Increase Conversion Rates

Conversion rate optimization continues to be a hot topic, reports PadukaConsultants.com, thus businesses need to focus on this area continuously

New Delhi, Delhi, India – April 21, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) continues to be a hot topic today, as minor changes to a website can bring in significant additional income. Companies choosing to focus on this area find they can obtain a competitive edge by making these changes, as most companies are not investing in CRO tools at this time. In addition, those companies spending time on this area often feel it is a one time process, yet competitive businesses understand this process never ends.

“To begin optimizing conversion rates, companies need to gather data and conduct testing, Many businesses turn to Google Analytics for assistance, yet real-life data is best, so turn to customers for feedback. Test sales and landing pages to ensure they are accurate, then compare them to one another to determine which works best. There are only two steps businesses must take to improve conversion rates,” V K Rajagopalan, spokesperson for Paduka Consultants Private Limited, explains.

Make certain each landing or sales page features a Call to Action (CTA) and this CTA is both relevant and prominent. Doing so helps to significantly improve conversion rates, yet this step takes very little time to complete. The goal is to find something that will interest the visitor and make it part of the CTA. For example, ask that they sign up for a newsletter and provide them with a bonus related to the content material for doing so.

“Determine which pages have the highest bounce rate and focus efforts on these pages first,” Rajagopalan continues. “The goal is to have the visitor explore the site to minimize the bounce rate. Some pages may need to be redesigned, others may be lacking in quality content and some are hard to navigate. Examine the pages with the lowest bounce rates and compare them to those pages with high bounce rates to see where they differ and make the necessary changes.”

Adapt the buying process so it walks the customer through without much effort on their part. Doing so increases the amount of time the customer spends on the site, which also increases the likelihood of a conversion. To help with this process, look at the average time the visitor spends on the site, as the more time he or she is viewing the site, they more likely they will be to take action.

“The above steps are only a few companies may choose to take. Others opt to make use of multivariate testing or other tools and resources. Any company struggling to improve in this area may wish to call in a professional. Although conversion rate optimization should only be one task of many to improve one’s bottom line, it is one that should never be neglected if the business is to succeed. Visit www.padukaconsultants.com to obtain more tips to boost CRO. Paduka Consultants can be of help to those struggling in this area, as every business needs a competitive edge and CRO provides this advantage, ” Rajagopalan states.

About Paduka Consultants Private Limited:

V K Rajagopalan founded Paduka Consultants to assist clients needing SEO and other assistance when it comes to their Internet presence. The company now employs a graphics design and programming expert, a video marketing specialist and a blog marketing authority to ensure clients have everything needed to make their business a success.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.padukaconsultants.com

Contact Info:
Name: V K Rajagopalan
Organization: Paduka Consultants Private Limited
Phone: (+91) 98180 92814

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/paduka-consultants-private-limited-publishes-new-tips-to-increase-conversion-rates/80063

Release ID: 80063

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