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Hannah Financial helps thousands of consumers increase their Credit Score

Offering Tax Preparation, Credit Restoration, Student Loan Servicing and Business Credit Building, Irene Day set up Hannah Financial to help those facing a situation she herself had previously been in; financial difficulty.

Cleveland, OH – July 15, 2020

In 2014, after struggling with her personal credit, Irene Day was able to payoff her existing debt with an inheritance. The momentous moment was bittersweet as although she was now debt free, her credit score raised to just 12 points. Growing up, the Cleveland native was completely unaware of how important her finances would be in adulthood. Irene decided to use her woes with the credit system to start the first minority owned credit repair company legally operating in the state of Ohio.

Irene’s determination jump started her personal credit repair journey where she was able to raise her score by almost 400 points in a short space of time. Upon graduating from Baldwin Wallace University in 2016, she decided to take a chance on entrepreneurship, resulting in the birth of Hannah Financial.

Since the launch in 2017, Hannah Financial has been advising Clients to put their finances first, resulting in over 2,000 people overcoming their credit problems. Last year, Irene added Business Credit Funding and Tax Preparation to the services offered by Hannah Financial.

Irene added ‘I was extremely happy to have paid my debt off in 2014, followed by extreme disappointment when I found out that it hadn’t effected or raised my credit score, even though I no longer owed any debt. It made me realise the importance of finances and how people should really be putting them first. I want my experience to help other people which is why I started Hannah Financial.

I am so proud to have helped over 2,000 people so far and I am looking forward to the future where I plan to add more services to my business and letting Hannah Financial guide even more people to financial security.’

Irene currently teaches financial literacy, both online and within her community, inspiring people to start and scale their own credit repair business.

For more information, please visit: www.hannahfinancial.com

Contact Info:
Name: Irene Day
Email: Send Email
Organization: Hannah Financial
Website: https://hannahfinancial.com

Release ID: 88968730

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