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Pam Sowder Has Her Finger On The Pulse Of A Lucrative Global Industry

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2020 / Pam Sowder is not only an inspiration to entrepreneurs everywhere, she is a beacon of success for female entrepreneurs in a world finally coming to terms with the power of women. Her ability to quickly sus out and adapt to crucial changes in market needs has propelled her to the forefront of her field. This powerful business owner is a force to be reckoned with as she thwarts the difficulties caused by the Covid outbreak and etches her name among the ranks of those who outlive and outlast in the most trying of times.

Born in Roanoke Virginia in 1957, Sowder began acquiring marketing experience during a six year stint with a weight loss product company. Though the company eventually went under, Sowder came across a remarkable product hailing from overseas in 2000. Sowder helped bring the company to the United States after realizing the potential for incredible growth. The organic product with grassroots origins blossomed quickly, and is now flourishing in not only the USA, but France, Canada and Mexico as well. They currently boast home offices in Europe and Asia as well as the states.

The products Sowder is currently touting are Skinny Brew, a beverage that suburbs appetite and works perfectly with the newly-popularized intermittent fasting, and Sleepy Tea, which reduces anxiety and aids sleep. With her finger on the pulse of a nation desperate for realistic, effective weight loss and stress reduction, Sowder recognized quickly that these products would practically sell themselves. The grassroots marketing would prove to be successful early on, but social changes came on unexpectedly at the beginning of 2020.

The Covid outbreak looked like it could put a kink in the steady flow of business Sowder was enjoying, but her ingenuity with social media proved to be much more powerful. Strengthening their digital presence, which was surprisingly a yet untapped aspect of their grassroots marketing campaign, the company tapped into a resource many had already been using and boosted their influence astronomically.

A key factor in Sowder's business is the admirable operation. Empowerment and encouragement of distributors resulted in a trickle down effect as the positivity was passed on to the key demographic communities, producing greater intake and acquisition of team members and clients. Sowder's company handles all of the shipping, distribution and payment internally, cutting down costs and fostering an environment of cohesiveness and success.

When she is not cultivating a remarkable business, Sowder is taking to media to spread her methods, thoughts, and knowledge on a personal platform. She is currently 100 episodes in on a podcast designed to empower fellow female entrepreneurs. Sowder realizes how applicable network marketing is to so many busy women's lives, and wishes to spread that opportunity to other women so that they may too enjoy the success she has.

You can read more about Pam Sowder's insights into big business and life as an entrepreneur in her upcoming book, Rich Girl Poor Girl, available online soon via Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This introspective collection of wisdom details how women can navigate both life and business, and the contrasting dichotomy of the "rich or poor" mindset that many women are affected by.

Sowder has created a million dollar company, but like any true time-tested business mogul, she is not willing to stop there. With her sights set on billion-dollar status by next year, Pam Sowder continues to forge ahead, making her name bigger and bolder along the way. Acquiring more and more team members and empowering them through her own expertise and achievements, Pam Sowder is truly one whose bench you want to be on, no matter what may come next.

To find out more about Pam, you can follow her on Instagram @pamsowder and check out her website at pamsowder.com.


Paula Henderson

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SOURCE: VIP Media Group

ReleaseID: 603619

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