Ursula Maria, A World-Renowned Dancing Instructor And Actor Empowers Her Fans And Followers To Follow Their Dreams
United States – March 9, 2022 /MarketersMEDIA/ —
Hollywood movies are among the most popular titles across all four corners of the globe, and both film enthusiasts and aspiring actors are wondering what it takes to get a glimpse of its spotlight.
Zupyak’s interview with Ursula Maria, a world-famous Hollywood actor, and dance instructor revealed that these keys are “talent, hard work, and a little bit of luck are all essential factor, but one more ingredient is often overlooked, and it is the inspiration.”
Ursula Maria was born in Austria, where she lived and spent her formative years before moving to Los Angeles, California. Seeking the best art education available, Maria enrolled in Stella Adler Academy of Acting, which helped her refine her acting skills and uplifted her artistic spirit.
Maria was quickly recognized by Stan Harrington, the manager of Stella Adler Theater, as well as a multi-award-winning producer, writer, and director. Stan tutored Ursula Maria, brought her into the grandiose world of Hollywood, and eventually began collaborating and co-starring with her.
She cut her teeth with the role of Helena in Perception, a movie that was both written and directed by Stan Harrington, in which Ursula Maria co-starred with her tutor.
Ursula Maria was also credited with producing marks for three short movies in the span of five years between 2012 and 2017, including Imag-in, Loop, and The Happy Accident. Additionally, she co-produced The Gatekeepers podcast series with Samir Srivastava, the director of the podcast, and the producer of Treasure of the Black Jaguar, Sharkproof, and Across Time I Cry.
To all aspiring artists, dancers, and actors, Maria sends a message “Inspiration matters. Life is short, and people who go after their dreams have always fascinated me. It can be a risky adventure, sure, but also so worth it,” said Ursula Maria.
Exclaiming that inspiration is an often-overlooked factor when it comes to the building blocks of a successful Hollywood star, Ursula Maria points out that it can be found, if one is prepared to seek it out.
Maria’s passion for music, dance, and art in all its forms were apparent from an early age. Ever since she was 13-years-old, she began dancing and immersing herself in her favorite music:
“I find art inspiring. I’m deeply passionate about music, it’s the reason I started dancing. A great painting can make you feel something. Reading great material is always a pleasure, whether that’s a novel, a play, or a screenplay. Occasionally, I paint and write myself. I like creating,” said Ursula Maria.
In recent years, Ursula Maria was featured in a variety of Hollywood hits, including Accidental Muse in the role of Stephanie Kole; California Party in the role of Jane; Sancho Claus in the role of Rita Veracruz, and others.
More information about Ursula Maria is available in Zupyak’s interview.
Contact Info:
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Organization: Ursula Maria
Address: United States
Website: https://www.zupyak.com/p/2986496/t/go-after-what-you-want-and-make-your-life-your-own-personal-masterpiece
Source: MarketersMEDIA
Release ID: 89069553