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Does Buying Followers on Twitter Really Work for Business Marketing?

Examining the pros and cons of increasing business Twitter followers by buying them.

June 12, 2015 / Submit Press Release 123 /

Dallas, TX – Much has been said about how important it is to have a high number of Twitter followers if businesses want to reach potential customers in droves with Twitter marketing efforts. However, many business owners and operators have limited time to devote to engaging with others on the platform to find followers day-to-day, on a one-on-one basis. A number of businesses that can’t seem to garner followers by the masses quickly enough opt to buy them through various platforms online. In a day and age where everything seems easy come, it makes sense that avenues would be available for businesses that want to immediately increase their followers on Twitter without having to lay any groundwork. The question then becomes however, “is this a good move for marketing?”

Many social media marketing experts say no. Why? According to Sarah Beacom, one expert who works with Twitter marketing tool developer SocialCentiv, buying followers on Twitter can impede on the efforts of a business to generate a quality base of potential customers. The word quality is used to reference Twitter followers who will make an effort to interact with businesses online, or find the messages they send out as relevant.

Beacom writes in a recent post on the subject on the company’s blog, “There seems to be a false correlation that some make in terms of Twitter follower numbers and the credibility one has on Twitter.”

Considerations Before Choosing to Buy Twitter Followers

Before choosing to “buy” followers on the social network it is advisable to consider the following first:

To increase the strength of Twitter marketing efforts, a software can be employed to help facilitate better engagement with “quality leads.”

Tools like SocialCentiv can help businesses seeking to increase their engagement on Twitter to make marketing efforts more effective. The company is currently offering a free trial for those interested in test driving their tool. Business marketers can learn more by visiting SocialCentiv marketing online.

Media Contact:

Macy English, SocialCentiv


Find SocialCentiv on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+.

Read the full story at http://newsreleases.submitpressrelease123.com/2015/06/12/does-buying-followers-on-twitter-really-work-for-business-marketing/

ReleaseID: 15419

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