Pineapple Corer Slicer, Peeler, Cutter by KitchenBiz Now AvailableThrough Amazon
June 16, 2015 – – KitchenBiz, a kitchenware company, has today released their pineapple corer slicer on Amazon. This is an incredibly versatile kitchen tool that helps people manage the unmanageable fruit: the pineapple. It is hoped this device will encourage more people to eat pineapple, which is one of the healthiest foods in the world.
“Pineapple has so many different benefits to our overall health, particularly when it is fresh”, says Mal Jorges from KitchenBiz. “Unfortunately, getting to the fruit itself is almost impossible. The skin is too sharp and pointy and the core is so incredibly thick. As a result, those who do buy a fresh pineapple often end up with only a tiny bit of fruit. Hence, they decide to turn to tinned pineapple instead, but it doesn’t have the same health benefits. Thanks to our pineapple corer, slicer, peeler and cutter, this is no longer necessary.”
The device, which is suitable for both left and right handed people, is perfect for a 3 to 5 pound pineapple, of around 5 inches in diameter. It is made of 18/10 stainless steel with a black handle. This makes it easy to clean and stops it from rusting.
Those who want to know how to use pineapple corer will be happy to know that full explanations are provided. Essentially, it helps people to core, slice and peel their pineapple in a matter of seconds. It also retains the juice in the shell of the pineapple, which means it doesn’t make a mess either.
Since having been released on Amazon, the device has already received a number of highly positive reviews. “I love pineapple but was end up buying pre-cut ones’s from Walmart or other stores,” says R. Gupta. “Now it takes less then 2 minutes for me to cut and serve it to kids.”
Essentially, the pineapple corer slicer does everything that needs to be done in order for this fruit to be ready to eat. It is also protected by a full lifetime guarantee. Hence, people can purchase it with the confidence of knowing their investment is protected.
“Pineapples are incredible health fruits with high levels of vitamin C as well as manganese,” says Susan Plime, a nutritionist in San Diego. “Manganese is a very important antioxidant that helps protect our body from free radical damage. Additionally, the fruit is full of B vitamin and thiamin, both of which help the body to create energy.”
This demonstrates just how important pineapple is to overall health and nutrition. These benefits are greatly reduced if the pineapple isn’t actually fresh. Thanks to the KitchenBiz pineapple cutters, people are now able to enjoy their pineapple fresh without wasting any or making a huge mess in the kitchen.
Contact KitchenBiz:
Mal Jorges
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