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Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. Confirms June 18 as Second Date for Complimentary Two-Hour Stock Market Trading Workshop

Learn-To-Trade.com confirms Thursday, June 18 as the second date this month for its two-hour complimentary stock market trading workshop.

Toronto, Canada – June 16, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. (www.Learn-To-Trade.com), Toronto’s leading provider of professional stock market trading courses designed to create successful traders on the financial market, is confirming Thursday, June 18 as the second date this month for its next complimentary two-hour stock market trading workshop.

The second of two complimentary two-hour stock market trading workshops this month will take place from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 18 at Humber College North Campus, located at the corner of Finch Avenue West and Highway 27.

“The first free two-hour stock market trading workshop will take place today, Tuesday, June 16 at the Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. head office in Toronto,” says George Karpouzis, Co-founder and Director of Education at Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. “Over two hours, we will discuss how taking the full Learn-To-Trade.com course will also equip attendees with the tools to confidently trade and manage their investments to help create better returns.”

While the stock market continues to trade near record-high levels, it remains significantly overvalued. For those investors not comfortable trading stocks in this environment, there are other investing strategies they can use to help them make money in any economic environment, as Karpouzis notes.

“Those who attend the two-hour stock market trading seminar on Thursday, June 18 will be introduced to proven strategies that can help them generate consistently profitable results. Some of these investing strategies include futures trading, stock options, Forex trading, risk management, and capital preservation,” Karpouzis concludes. “Those who attend the June 18 workshop will also learn about Learn-To-Trade.com’s Lifetime Membership, where they can re-attend any part of the Learn-To-Trade.com program as often as they like.”

Those interested in attending the complimentary two-hour Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. stock market trading workshop on Thursday, June 18 can register online at www.learn-to-trade.com, e-mail info@learn-to-trade.com, call 416-510-5560, or visit the Learn-To-Trade.com offices at 885 Don Mills Road, Suite 200, Toronto.

Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. is the leading provider of stock market training courses in the Greater Toronto Area. Led by licensed, industry professionals who are also educators for the Toronto Montreal Exchange and major banks across Canada, Learn-To-Trade.com Inc.’s extensive courses provide its Members with the necessary tools to trade financial products in today’s complex and fast-paced markets. To learn more about Learn-To-Trade.com Inc. and its Lifetime Membership, visit the web site at www.Learn-To-Trade.com, or contact the company by phone at 416-510-5560 or by e-mail at info@learn-to-trade.com.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.learn-to-trade.com/

Contact Info:
Name: George Karpouzis
Organization: Learn-to-trade.com
Address: 885 Don Mills Road Suite 200 , ON, M3C 1V9
Phone: 416-510-5560

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/learn-to-trade-com-inc-confirms-june-18-as-second-date-for-complimentary-two-hour-stock-market-trading-workshop/84521

Release ID: 84521

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