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Conservative Christian Minister Launches Medical Marijuana Website: MedicalCannabisReport.com

June 26, 2015 – – Real-life testimonies, research studies, interviews and documentaries are presented in an organized educational platform for those who have questions about the validity of marijuana as a safe and effective treatment for disease.

Does marijuana really have medical benefits, or is it just a ruse for people who want to get stoned without the fear of getting arrested? Angus McBride, a conservative Christian minister wants to help answer this question that many are asking by objectively looking at the evidence. Previously an opponent of marijuana use of any kind, Angus is now a vocal supporter of medical marijuana and wants to share his findings with the world.

“Many people, particularly those who are conservative or religious believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug that has no legitimate medical use” says the Rev. McBride. “The fact is, marijuana has been used safely as medicine for over 5000 years of recorded history. The truth is out there for anyone who has an open mind and is willing to do just a little bit of research.”

One of the main factors in Rev. McBride’s change of heart came when he learned about the human endocannabinoid system, or ECS.

“I kept hearing all these crazy testimonies about cannabis helping people with epilepsy, arthritis, PTSD, and even being cured of cancer and I thought people were just making this stuff up. How in the world could one plant possibly be useful for so many different ailments? Logic says that simply can’t be true.”

“But then I found out that we have these special receptors throughout our bodies called the endocannabinoid system, which basically regulates many of our major bodily functions. The chemical compounds in marijuana bind to these receptors like keys in a lock, and have a modulating effect on our various systems and attempt to bring them back into balance.”

“These compounds can also kill cancer cells by telling them to commit suicide and cutting off their ability to reproduce. It’s something I’d never even heard before, but the studies and testimonies are out there. Many believe this plant has greater medical potential than anything ever discovered because of the endocannabinoid system. It’s a shame there is such a stigma surrounding its use because it looks like a gift from God to me.”

Angus has spent hundreds of hours collecting and organizing a significant number of patient testimonies, documentaries, and links to hundreds of research studies that he says prove the incredible potential of cannabis as a safe and effective medicine. He continues to publish new articles every week as more information comes to light about the medical benefits of cannabis, such as 20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis (Marijuana) Can Be a Potential Cure For Cancer.

Something that makes his website unique from many other marijuana-related websites is the noticeable lack of head shop ads and the like. Because some folks have an inherent dislike for the “stoner” culture, Angus intentionally avoids including that kind of content on his website, though he does quote from some of those kinds of sites if he deems that the content is legitimate and useful.

“I think Christians everywhere need to get past their unfounded fears and prejudice about marijuana and know the facts so they can walk in truth. You don’t have to be in favor of recreational use or full legalization to support helping desperately ill people get this medicine – sometimes the only medicine that helps them. To oppose medical marijuana legislation is not only not walking in Christian love, it is actually cruel and inhumane.”

MedicalCannabisReport.com is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn the facts about medical marijuana in a clean, professional platform devoid of the “stoner” or “head shop” culture.

Angus McBride is a pseudonym used by a Christian minister who has experienced a paradigm shift in regards to the safety and usefulness of marijuana. His ministry position does not allow him to reveal his true identity at this time, lest he lose credibility with some of his congregants, whose minds may presently be closed to varying degrees on the issue of cannabis, relative to their lack of knowledge on the subject. You can reach him at angus.mcbride@usinc.us.


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Angus McBride

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