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Academic Muse announces Coaching for Dissertations, Books, and Articles in a New Format

June 27, 2015 – – A coach for writing a dissertation, book, or journal article has come up with a unique solution for an academic writing club. Alan Klima of the University of California, Davis has started an online coaching resource.

Writing coaching is more necessary than ever as academics are forced to juggle more responsibilities. Times are changing and things are getting tougher for professors. Getting a job is harder than ever. And, any professor could agree: more and more of their time is being pulled towards the type of paperwork that doesn’t involve submitting their next article, book proposal, or dissertation. While serving students is of course a top of every college professor, there must also be a balance between working with students, and working on the next writing project. As class sizes and administrative duties continue to grow, so too do the distractions that pull academics away from the type of work that is crucial for advancing their work in their respective fields.

With increased distraction, comes decreased productivity in writing, sometimes to a point that it stifles and halts the advancement of an academic’s career. To counter this, faculty are turning to personal writing coaches more than ever.

Academic Muse, a leader among online academic writing support groups, hosts one of the most active and productive online writing boot camps currently offered, known as the Creative Academic Writing Boot Camp. Currently, it is led by professor and author Alan Klima.

“At our writing boot camp, we are all writers– all the participants and coaches alike. It’s not enough, or even very effective, to see writing as a struggle with resistance,” Klima says. “Instead we focus on what works, and repeat that until it takes over. It’s all learned in a group environment that counters isolation and the feeling that you are struggling with yourself.”

The Creative Academic Writing Boot Camp claims to be loaded with eager, honest, and highly supportive academic writers who are all staring down the barrel of their next big project. The atmosphere is collaborative, encouraging and focused entirely towards developing healthy writing habits and sticking with them to the project’s end.

There are many personal academic coaches out there. Few are writers and all are expensive. An online writer’s group is often very affordable. The four-week course offered by Academic Muse is just $3.46 per day for Professors, and $3.11 per day for graduate students. Other pricing options are available for those interested in multi-session plans.


Contact Academic Muse:

Alan Klima
(800) 653-7097
825 Silliman Way
Sacramento, CA 95831

ReleaseID: 60002297

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