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Click-A-Brick Team Recommends Bird Building Set As Ideal Beginner’s Set

The Click-A-Brick team recommends the recently launched Feather Friends building set as an ideal beginner’s set for younger children, as it’s the easiest Click-A-Brick offering to assemble.

Las Vegas, United States – July 14, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

The Click-A-Brick team recommends its recently released Feather Friends as a beginner’s building set to introduce young children not only to the toy, but to the concept of following along with instructions and photos.

Although the company’s Animal Kingdom Safari set remains its flagship toy, the Feather Friends set is slightly easier to put together and therefore would be ideally suited to children at the lower end of Click-A-Brick’s age range of 3 and up, the company says. With its bright, pastel colors, the set grabs the attention of small children and makes it easy for them to follow the included instructions and photos.

All Click-A-Brick 30-piece sets include instructions to build one item. As a challenge to kids, the 30-piece sets don’t come with instructions for the other items they are capable of creating, but instead have highly detailed photos to follow along with to build the other items. Consumer testing of the set with children showed that the younger kids had an easier time building what they saw in the photos than other Click-A-Brick sets.

This has prompted Click-A-Brick Co-Founders Jason Smith and Georg de Gorostiza to make the recommendation to parents and other potential customers who are looking to introduce young children to the toy to start with the bird-themed set.

“In our own market research, we found that Feather Friends was super easy to put together,” Smith said. “The three year olds that we tested it on still needed help to create the birds, but they were able to more easily follow along with the package to build the birds. Four year olds could follow the instructions pretty well and the five year olds really liked looking at the photos and trying to figure out what brick went where. Of course, regardless of the age or how well they can follow along with the instructions or photos, we still also recommend parents to get involved and help their children out and encourage them. And we always encourage free form building with Click-A-Brick, too, obviously. That’s the real fun part.”

In keeping with Click-A-Brick’s dedication to helping children develop and learn, the team says, introducing the youngest kids within the toy’s recommended age range to the easiest set will help introduce children to the concept of recognizing real-life items from illustrations and how they fit together, which will help with their cognitive development. Parents can aid in this development by working together with their children to build the birds in the Feather Friends set, making sure to associate the actual bricks in the building set with the illustrations so the children can make the association in their minds, as well.

The Feather Friends set can create a macaw, a toucan, a flamingo, a cockatiel and a kingfisher.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.clickabricktoys.net

Contact Info:
Name: Rob Swystun
Organization: Click-A-Brick Toys LLC
Phone: 855-976-3664

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/click-a-brick-team-recommends-bird-building-set-as-ideal-beginners-set/85972

Release ID: 85972

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