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ZeoS: The World’s First Toxins and Pesticides Filter for Fruits and Vegetables

Diakopto, Greece – On June 9 2015, Panagiotis Petridis launched an Indiegogo campaign for ZeoS by GEP, the world’s first toxins and pesticides filter for fruits and vegetables.

“The concept started when we decided to make a product that cleans toxins, pesticides, ammonium nitrate and heavy metals from our fruits and vegetables,” says the team, “ZeoS is a filter from GEP that when placed in water with fruits or vegetables, releases a powder that covers them and removes everything that harms your health.”

This team from Greece can provide a really good filter for children’s health and future, proving that even in difficult situations people can look forward, be creative and productive. Currently, the situation in Greece is unbearable due to the economic crisis. With minimal economical support it is difficult to complete every project, which is why the team has turned to the Indiegogo community for help bringing ZeoS by GEP to families everywhere.

“For almost a year and a half and after experiments with other organic materials, we decided to work with zeolite, a natural volcano rock with characteristics that make it a gift of nature to people. ZeoS is a 100% natural product which works like a sponge,” the creator explains, “The amazing thing about this product is that after consuming the cleaned fruits or vegetables the zeolite powder that’s left on them provides the daily human dosage of the best natural antitoxin.”

In exchange for pledging to the project, backers can gain access to a variety of rewards including one ZeoS filter for $25, three ZeoS filters for $65, or five filters for $100. Backers can also pledge $150 to receive six ZeoS filters with a wooden handmade stand for the ZeoS filter box. All rewards include free shipping worldwide.

For more information, please visit the Indiegogo page here or contact the creator below.

Image: https://res.cloudinary.com/indiegogo-media-prod-cld/image/upload/c_limit,w_620/v1436697326/gcuhgxquotkrk2ujbqym.jpg

Distributed by CrowdfundingPR

Media Contact
Company Name: GEP
Contact Person: ZeoS
Email: gep.zeos@gmail.com
Country: Greece
Website: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/zeos-by-gep#/story

ReleaseID: 506280

Source: GetNews

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