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New Article Explains The Importance Of Professional Photography At An Asian Wedding

September 14, 2015 – – London, UK, SEP 10, 2015 – Weddings are a cornucopia of photographic possibilities. Inexperienced photographers can ruin a lifetime of memories by not capturing the important moments or having photos that are less than memorable. In keeping with their mission to educate photographers, Pixcellence (www.pixcellence.co.uk) has just published a new blog post entitled ‘Professional Wedding Photography Is Invaluable for Asian Weddings‘.

“This is even more true for Asian weddings,” states Clwyd Probert, one half of the Pixcellence photography team, “which have more of a flourish to them than simple western ones. Their pomp and detail, whether in South Asian or Chinese ceremonies, can be confusing for amateur photographers to showcase properly.”

The article discusses a guest blog post for Digital Photography School where writer Chentil Mohan talks about Indian wedding customs that need be highlighted by the wedding photographer.

The article describes several intricate moments within the Hindu wedding ceremony that good photographers will be aware of and just what needs to be captured in each. The Pixcellence article was authored by Probert, one of the founders of Pixcellence, the premier Asian wedding photographer in the UK.

“The Kanya Daan and the Bidaai,” stated Probert, “when the bride’s family hands her over to her groom, and she formally leaves her parents’ house and moves in with him. Professional photographers would know what to take pictures of and how to best frame the shot so it would have the maximum emotional effect.”

With a reputation as one of the premier asian wedding photography teams, Pixcellence is a grouping of professional photographers in the UK offering coaching courses to help photographers of all levels improve their photographic talents.

To read the article, visit www.pixcellence.co.uk.


Contact Pixcellence Photography:

Clwyd Probert
0208 354 3645
80A Uxbridge Road
Shepherds Bush
W12 8LR

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