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Xarelto Lawsuit Filed In PA Alleges Drug Isn’t Effective For 24 Hours

November 02, 2015 – – BloodThinnerHelp.com reports on an additional lawsuit concerning blood thinner Xarelto, filed against manufacturer Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The suit, filed in the state of Pennsylvania on the 8th of October, 2015, alleges that the once a day dosage recommended by Janssen is not effective for a full 24-hour period as indicated, and therefore poses health risks.

The plaintiff in this case, was using Xarelto to prevent a stroke because of an atrial fibrillation condition. Atrial fibrillation indicates that a patient has a rapid and irregular heartbeat, which can cause poor blood circulation throughout the body. It is usually not a life-threatening condition, but because of the weak blood flow, it can cause blood clots and therefore stroke.

Unfortunately, just four days after starting use of Xarelto, according to the complaint filed, this plaintiff suffered a stroke. Details within the document indicate that he was using a 20mg dose of the drug, which he has now stated is insufficient to protect users against a stroke if only taken once daily. At this time, Xarelto is the only new anticoagulant that is recommended by its manufacturer for once-daily dosing. Other blood thinners require multiple doses.

Though there have been many lawsuits filed recently citing the significant dangers of Xarelto, this is the first case to indicate that the drug is ineffective in preventing ischemic strokes, and that, in some cases, as the complaint alleges, it may even contribute to causing this condition in those suffering from atrial fibrillation.

Xarelto first came on the market as a revolutionary new blood thinner, which allowed those using it more freedom that prior blood thinners had. Older blood thinners required regular monitoring, dosage adjustments, and specific diets. Xarelto, however, was deemed a “one-size-fits-all” pill, and did not require these things. It seems, to many who have filed lawsuits against the drug recently, that this “one-size-fits-all” aspect was not as wonderful as it initially seemed.

Xarelto was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and released to the market in 2011. It is commonly prescribed to those who have atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, or anyone who is undergoing knee or hip replacement surgery, which can cause clots.

As lawsuits against Xarelto continued to appear across the nation, the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation announced that all federally filed cases would be consolidated to form multidistrict litigation in the Eastern District of Louisiana. This announcement came in late 2014. These cases are currently being overseen by Judge Eldon E. Fallon.

The consolidated cases cite common allegations which state that Xarelto caused uncontrollable or fatal bleeding episodes for those who were taking it. The drug is considered especially dangerous because, also unlike other older blood thinners, it has no antidote to counteract its effects if patients begin to bleed. It is believed that there are currently around 1,700 cases filed against the drug.

Attorney Marc Goldich is currently working to ensure that anyone who has suffered from complications after using Xarelto is able to explore their legal rights. These people may be entitled to compensation.

For additional information concerning this topic or to ask questions, please contact Marc Goldich, Esq. by calling 866-425-8902 today.


Contact BloodThinnerHelp.com:

Marc Goldich
1500 Walnut Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102.

ReleaseID: 60005046

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