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The Truest Test of Sanity: Facing Your Family Over a Turkey at Thanksgiving

Image: https://pressreleasejet.com/newsreleases/images/2015/the-truest-test-of-sanity-facing-your-family-over-a-turkey-at-thanksgiving-11-18.jpg
NEW YORK CITY, NY – 19 Nov, 2015 – “It is great to bring lightness to what we all face at Thanksgiving, and to keep in mind that there is not enough L-Tryptophan in a turkey to get your relatives to merely sleep their way through the holidays. Here are three clues you can begin practicing now to make this a better holiday for yourself,” offered Ron Baker, Life Coach with a specialty in Emotional Education.

1. Learn to take deep, proactive breaths. When you breathe deep into the lower body, you help open the solar plexus that can help avoid a stomach ache. When you breathe out with a relaxed, open mouth, you proactively release tension that could lead to anxiety otherwise.

Simply take a few deep breaths before you sit down for dinner and a few more when Aunt Flo asks, “When are you are getting married,” or “What you are doing with your life? Oh. Really?!?”

2. Set a clear goal for yourself prior to going home, such as deciding you will stay out of any conflicts that take place. By deciding ahead of time who you choose to be, you set yourself up better. You might also decide to instigate a meaningful conversation with one person you particularly value as well.

3. Finally, keep in mind that Thanksgiving is a time for focusing on gratitude. No matter what challenging dynamics might be habitual in your family, you might take time to think of one positive quality or one enhancing moment you have shared with each person – again, prior to going home. If you do, it will be easier to consider that Aunt Flo means well, even if she inspires fantasies about what you might do with the stuffing.

Ron Baker has been helping people heal family dynamics for over 25 years. The holidays are a time that trigger some our deepest wounded feelings and that can lead to depression for many people – even millions of people. Know that you are not alone and that there are clear ways you can proactively help yourself this holiday.

Ron Baker is available for interviews: ronbaker.net

Full News Story: https://pressreleasejet.com/newsreleases/2015/the-truest-test-of-sanity-facing-your-family-over-a-turkey-at-thanksgiving/

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Media Contact
Company Name: Empowered At Last
Contact Person: Ron Baker
Email: ron@ronbaker.net
Country: United States
Website: http://www.ronbaker.net/

ReleaseID: 522403

Source: GetNews

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