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Largo, MD – Novemeber 19, 2015 – The Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation welcomed two companies to its India Business Center, a program that provides high-growth Indian businesses with low-cost office space, and access to mentoring, training, certification assistance, workforce development and networking opportunities. Having researched and heard the value of locating a business in Prince George’s County, the CEO’s from Allied Deccan Service and Karmick Solutions traveled to Maryland intent on expanding their India based businesses in the United States. Collectively, the two companies expect to hire more than 50 Prince George’s County residents over the next 12 months.

“Today represents good news for Prince George’s County,” said EDC President and CEO Jim Coleman. “Whether you are looking to do business internationally or domestically, we want you here in Prince George’s County to grow. We have 14 federal agencies that do over $50 billion in procurement every year. There are companies that have grown up in Prince George’s County who have started with very meager means and are now worth millions thanks to the County’s value proposition and that is what we are replicating today.”

The goal of these centers is to help international companies enter the United States, grow in revenue, create local jobs and add to the local commercial tax revenue base.

“Our India Business Center, a partnership with the State of Maryland, has become a successful model for Indian and other international companies because we provide tailored services and a ‘soft landing’ to businesses that want to rapidly grow in the United States,” said EDC Vice President Pradeep Ganguly. “We want to replicate this model for Chinese companies, African companies, Korean companies and South American companies that express an interest in growing their business in the U.S.”

Allied Deccan is a diversified Indian company with over 400 employees throughout India and Australia that provides a variety of services including import/export, commercial building services, facility management, wholesale trading and marketing support.

“I would like to thank the Prince George’s County Economic Development team for encouraging us to come to Prince George’s County,” said Ganesh Raj Pant, CEO of Allied Deccan Services. “It has always been our dream to open a place in the United States and sell our products directly to the American public. Our main intention is to bring the products from the factory to the customers in the United States and with the help of the Economic Development Corporation we will bring more jobs to this area.”

Karmick Solutions is an IT solutions provider in the area of education with more than 250 employees in India and is quickly making its presence known in the United States. Prince George’s County is their first brick and mortar office in the United States.

“I am glad that I have this opportunity from the Prince George’s County EDC to open an office in Prince George’s County,” said Sourav Roy, CEO of Karmick Solutions. “My objective has been to be closer to U.S. customers. A physical office in the U.S. will bring more confidence and trust to our U.S. customers. Our other objective is to have a team here so that they can interact with the U.S. customers can give more value to customers. We couldn’t have done this without the assistance of the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation.”

To start growing your business in Prince George’s County or get more information on international business development, contact Pradeep Ganguly (pganguly@co.pg.md.us) or (301) 583-4650.

Logo: http://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/1447939266.jpeg

“(l. to r. Manjot Dhanoa, PTV, Charmin Lloyd, EDC Business Resource Representative, Liz Williams, EDC Workforce Development Director, Britta Vander Linden, EDC Chief of Staff, Sourav Roy, CEO Karmick Solutions, Jim Coleman, EDC President and CEO, Ganesh Raj Pant, CEO Allied Deccan Services, Pradeep Ganguly, EDC Executive Vice President, Asheesh Jain, President Creative Lipi, Toni Miles, EDC Small Business Director, David Lewis & Mayank Kapur, EDC Director of Business Development)”

Media Contact
Company Name: Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation
Contact Person: Lori Valentine – Director of Communications
Email: lcvalentine@co.pg.md.us
Phone: 301.583.4611
Address:1801 McCormick Drive, Suite 350
City: Largo
State: MD
Country: United States
Website: http://www.pgcedc.com

Source: ABNewswire

ReleaseID: 43698

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