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A Bail Bondsman in Reform, AL is Searching for Possible Law Changes After Two Recent Kidnapping Cases

December 19, 2019 – – Reform, Ala.- Lately in Alabama, there has been a rise in the number of kidnappings that are related to the release of violent criminals on bail bonds. A local bail bondsman in Reform, AL is intently watching lawmakers as they go through the process of trying to change the laws for violent criminals and their bonds.

In the case of Aniah Blanchard, the suspect was out on bond from a previous kidnapping case at the time of her abduction. Unfortunately, this isn’t the only case where this has happened. This was also the case with a toddler and a police officer in Alabama whose lives were both taken by a suspect with a violent past being released on bond.

Lawmakers are trying to change the way that the process goes whenever the criminal is violent. They are more prone to committing the same types of crimes if they can get out so easily the first time, they may have intentions of doing it again. This may seem like a logical step, but there are some concerns about how this law will affect the jail population, ultimately causing overcrowding. This could also affect bail bond services in Reform, AL where they will not produce as much profit in turn.

Arizona is a good place to base the laws off, they provide a law for violent criminals and bond. They see fit that the violent criminals are not able to just be released that easily, in turn causing less ruckus outside of the jails.

Visit Alabama Bail Bonds at (205) 454-5018, or at https://alabailbonds.com/ for any bonding needs.


For more information about Alabama Bail Bonds – Pickens Fayette County , contact the company here:

Alabama Bail Bonds – Pickens Fayette County
Alabama Bail Bonds – Pickens Fayette County
(205) 454-5018
1300 14th AVE N

ReleaseID: 60033266

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