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AC Repair Lakeland Firm Describes Signs of AC Malfunction

Lakeland Cool Air offers unbeatable prices and expert technicians who can be called if there are symptoms of AC malfunction.

Lakeland FL – July 30, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

Lakeland Cool Air and Michael Schmidt are pleased to announce that the AC repair Lakeland firm has released information on their website to describe their quality services, expert technicians and affordable AC repair services. The wider Lakeland area is home to thousands of licensed air conditioning service contractors. That means customers have choices and do not have to settle for a company that leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Customers should feel comfortable and confident when dealing with HVAC contractors.

When searching for an AC repair service, there are questions which should be answered. These include how to find the firm; how much it will cost; how long will it take to get the repair done; how to determine whether the price is right; and what to do if the equipment can’t be fixed. Lakeland Cool Air guarantees quick and reliable service. They guarantee technicians with the skills and training to handle any AC equipment issues.

In a recent interview with Michael Schmidt, he explained, “If you are experiencing potential symptoms of malfunction such as temperature deviation more than a few degrees from the thermostat setting or abnormal sounds from within the equipment, it is important to shut the equipment down and call our professional team before something more serious occurs. We should also be contacted if you see water dripping from refrigerant lines or gathering in your condensate drain; if there is low airflow or short running cycles, or your bills have gotten higher without any change in your usage.”

“Before calling in professionals” he continues, “you could consider a few things on your own. It is worth checking to see that the thermostat is correctly set; that the circuit breaker isn’t tripped; that your air filters are clean; and that vents and intakes are not obstructed. If these actions don’t resolve the problems, it is time to call our professionals.”

Contact Info:
Name: Michael Schmidt
Organization: Lakeland Cool Air
Address: 929 Gilmore Ave #186, Lakeland FL 33801
Phone: (863) 777-5931

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/ac-repair-lakeland-firm-describes-signs-of-ac-malfunction/385788

For more information, please visit http://www.airrepairlakeland.com/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 385788

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