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Another Drunk Driving Accident Injures Several In New York

Several people were injured in a car accident due to the actions of a drunk driver in Newburgh, NY.

January 3, 2017 /MM-prReach/

Over the decades, numerous programs have been put in place to educate the public on the dangers of drinking and driving. Despite this, every day intoxicated drivers make the decision to not call a taxi or Uber and get behind the wheel of their car. This is exactly what happened at around 9:30 p.m. on December 12th, 2016.

A 40-year-old woman, driving under the influence in Newburgh, NY, hit a van carrying multiple passengers from the rear. The impact and angle of the crash caused the van to roll and one of the female passengers was ejected into the road, where, already injured from the accident, she was run over by a third car who was unable to stop in time. Amazingly, she survived being run over but sustained life-threatening injuries and was listed in critical condition for nearly a week and will require ongoing care for quite some time. All of the other passengers also sustained injuries. Police arrested the drunk driver and she was later released with a hearing scheduled in January of 2017.

Drunk driving injures more than 6,000 people and kills more than 300 people on average in the state of New York yearly. Yet, frequently, the consequences that the driver at fault must face are minimal, especially when compared with the damage and pain they have caused. This is why the state allows victims who have been seriously injured to go outside of the New York “no-fault” system and file a car accident lawsuit against the negligent party.

A lawsuit is separate from any charges that the police have filed against the driver. By pursuing this type of complaint, the victims can seek full compensation for the financial losses they have sustained, the physical pain they have suffered, and the emotional turmoil they have endured due to the accident. While the process of obtaining this compensation may take months, it can also leave the plaintiff with a sense that justice has truly been served.

Contact Info:
Name: David B. Lever
Email: info@leverinjurylaw.com
Phone: 877-959-8025
Organization: Lever Injury Law

Source: http://www.prreach.com/pr/27188

Release ID: 158740

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