As Baby Boomers Retire Business Opportunities Open Up for Next Generation

An entrepreneurial trend is emerging according to experts that provides a real chance for younger business people to own their own businesses. Baby boomers moving into retirement are opening the door for the next generation of entrepreneurs to step in and take over.
Providence, United States – July 17, 2015 /PressCable/ —
July 14, 2015
Owning a business is an important dream for a great many people. One path for this to occur, and often a difficult one, is to establish a business from the ground up, requiring drive, resources, time and possibly even good luck for it to become a success. Another, which experts say is thanks to baby boomers seeking to retire, is to take over an existing business with a good reputation and established name and clientele. Recently, in Providence, RI just this kind of opportunity has presented itself. Now Yoga, an award winning yoga studio and day spa, recently announced they are up for sale for only $25,000. This includes a fully equipped studio, spa and even the studio’s retail products. Many are calling this an amazing opportunity for a health and fitness enthusiast to own their own turnkey successful business, in a beautiful, vibrant city.
“This is an opportunity that shouldn’t be passed over easily for anyone who loves yoga and the idea of becoming their own boss and experiencing abundance from working in an industry that helps people everyday,” commented Per Davidson, current owner of the studio. “Leaving behind having a boss and paving their own way is something that a person can’t put a price tag on usually… in this case the chance to do just that is so low it’s amazing. We doubt Now Yoga Providence will be available for long.”
According to the company, the studio – located in the heartof an Ivy League university community, has been the source of great praise for its classes, business practices and approach, to the point of even winning in2014 the very prestigious Best of Rhode Island Award for Yoga in 2014. This type of outside recognition has helped keep interest in the studio and day spa high, along with word of mouth from enthusiastic members and a very effective local marketing and search engine optimization plan from the Now Yoga team. Now Yoga is located at Now Yoga 286 Thayer St., Providence, RI, 02906.
For inquiries or more information on the studio, please be sure to preview the website or contact:…
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For more information about us, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Per Davidson
Organization: Now Yoga, LLC.
Address: 286 Thayer St., Providence, R.I. 02906
Phone: 4157972636
Release ID: 86733