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As Invokana Lawsuit Filings Increase Plaintiffs Note Reports Of Adverse Side Effects To FDA

May 15, 2016 – – TheProductLawyers.com reports on Invokana, a treatment for type-2 diabetes, approved and released on the market by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March of 2013. The drug’s primary purpose is to assist diabetes patients in the maintenance of their blood sugar (glucose) levels by impeding the kidneys from reabsorbing excess sugar present in the body.

As is the case with the other sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) drugs, Invokana relies quite heavily on the kidneys for the disposition of the body’s excess sugar via urination, thus placing an inordinate strain on the organs and creating the potential for damage. Once the kidneys are damaged it cannot be reversed or treated. In patients where there has been severe damage, kidney transplants are often required and patients with damaged kidneys must undergo dialysis while awaiting notice of a replacement organ for the transplant procedure.

Many medical professionals believe that the risk to the kidneys can be made much worse in patients who have preexisting kidney damage, as diabetes is a condition that has been documented to specifically impact the organs in an adverse fashion. Additionally, there have been reports of other life-threatening medical conditions possibly linked to the use of Invokana such as diabetic ketoacidosis, heart attack, and stroke

The FDA has stated in published public safety warnings about Invokana and the other SGLT2 inhibitor drugs that it has received 50 reports of adverse situations cited by diabetes patients that have used the drugs to treat their diabetic condition. Potential dangerous side effects alleged by patients in the adverse statements submitted to the FDA specifically related to having suffered from renal impairment and kidney failure. All of the reports were submitted to the FDA within the first year the drug was released on the market in 2013.

A lawsuit has been filed against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subdivision of Johnson and Johnson, by a diabetes patient who has alleged she developed kidney failure after she started taking Invokana for her condition.

For more information about the Invokana lawsuits, or this press release, please contact TheProductLawyers.com on 888-997-3792.


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ReleaseID: 60009962

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