Attorney Jeffrey Phillips States Work Related Injuries In Arizona Are On The Rise
July 15, 2015 – – Attorney Jeffrey Phillips of Phillips Law now offers assistance for those injured on the job in Arizona and surrounding areas. According to the United States Department of Labor, thousands of workers are injured on the job every year.
“Being injured at work is one thing,” states Phillips. “Knowing how to handle that injury and what you need to do in order to provide for yourself and your family following that injury is something else entirely.” The Department of Labor shows that in 2014 alone, more than 3 million workplace injuries occurred. More than 4,000 of those injuries were fatal.
The attorneys at Phillips Law specialize in claims regarding workplace injuries, in addition to other Arizona employment cases that include hour and wage claims. The firm has years of experience in handling claims related to worker’s compensation and strongly recommend that anyone hurt on the job retain an attorney with experience in these matters.
“You don’t want just anyone representing you when it comes to being injured at work,” states Malcom. “I know. I was injured during a warehouse incident, which has left me completely unable to work in my field of experience. I thought that worker’s compensation was cut and dry, but I have learned differently. My regret is not pursuing my case and not retaining an attorney to assist me.”
An attorney with experience can help workers to recover payments that the worker is entitled to receiving. Phillips recommends not wasting any time when it comes to being injured at work.
“You should report the injury as soon as humanly possible. Arizona law states that employers must be notified of any work related injury, illness, or accident within 30 days of when the incident occurs. If you wait, you could lose any compensation to which you are entitled under law.”
The law firm assists individuals in filing the appropriate claims and notifying the appropriate parties when a work related injury or illness occurs. More information about worker’s compensation and Arizona worker’s compensation laws can be viewed by visiting the law firm’s website.
Contact Phillips Law:
Jeffrey Phillips
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