Audio-Digest Anesthesiology Board Review Announces ‘Neuromuscular-blocking Drugs and Their Problems’ by Kristopher Schroeder, MD

Audio-Digest Foundation, the leading provider of audio continuing medical education, announced the publication of Dr. Kristopher Schroeder’ “Neuromuscular-blocking Drugs and Their Problems” as part of its Anesthesiology Board Review.
Glendale, CA, United States – April 28, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Audio-Digest Anesthesiology Board Review announced today the publication of “Neuromuscular-blocking Drugs and Their Problems” by Kristopher Schroeder, MD, Assistant Professor Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI
The new Audio-Digest Anesthesiology Board Review Course is a comprehensive review with approximately 40 hours of original lectures led by faculty from a variety of prominent teaching institutions across the country, reflecting a broad geographic diversity of clinical experience and expertise. This audio course, developed specifically as a board review and comprehensive review resource, offers participants a chance to benefit from first-hand expert guidance on the essential exam areas.
The Board Review course is chaired by David Steward, MD, Honorary Professor of Anesthesiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
For those not preparing for the exam, the course provides an excellent update and overview of anesthesiology. This content is also the perfect self-study tool for any health care professional in this field, including Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Nurse Anesthetists.
The program includes
*40 hours of new lectures recorded exclusively for this program available on 47 downloadable MP3 files
*47 CDs for healthcare professionals who prefer to listen in their cars
*All lectures can be accessed from the Audio-Digest mobile app.
*CME available. This course qualifies for up to 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Audio-Digest Foundation is the leading provider of audio continuing medical education. Its mission is to provide high-quality, convenient, and affordable continuing professional education to physicians and other healthcare professionals so they can meet the growing requirements to learn and to improve patient care, thereby promoting/enhancing the health of the general public.
For more information about us, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Paul Angles
Organization: Audio-Digest Foundation
Phone: 800-423-2308
Video URL:
Release ID: 80501