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Bikini Body Guides’ Barbara Carter Issues Commentary Over Sweat With Kayla App

Bikini Body Guides’ head writer Barbara Carter has issued a commentary to women’s fitness enthusiasts everywhere, urging them to save their money and steer clear of the Sweat With Kayla App.

Bikini Body Guides’ Barbara Carter Issues Commentary Over Sweat With Kayla App

Delaware, United States – May 8, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

Bikini Body Guides has today issued a statement to their readers to stay away from the Sweat With Kayla app. The comment came after a comprehensive overview revealed how much users sacrifice for the convenience of the digital platform. A full breakdown of their reasoning has been provided on the website, which goes into detail on what users lose out on by using the app.

Bikini Body Guides is a Barbara Carter’s Sweat App Review Site, helping people find the best, and avoid the worst, offerings in the currently oversaturated home fitness market. Bikini Body Guides has previously been complimentary about Kayla Itsines’ bikini body guide, recommending it to users. This makes their about-face on the app all the more significant.

Bikini Body Guides’ criticism of the Sweat With Kayla app (www.bikinibodyguides.com/sweat-with-kayla-itsines-app-review/) is informed by from several factors. They name the lack of an incentivised price for existing Kayla Itsines BBG owners, a monthly subscription payment format that sees users lose all content if they unsubscribe, and the lack of new material in the exercise routines themselves.

As the original e-book series can be easily kept on a phone, tablet or printed out, the claimed ‘convenience’ of the app is overrated in practice, while the price point is so high that individuals could buy and keep the original guides for a fraction of the price, and save money every month.

Barbara Carter, head writer for Bikini Body Guides, explained, “While we are encouraging people to steer clear of the Bikini Body Guide App, we are doing so because Kayla got it right first time. The Bikini Body Guide 1.0 and 2.0, with the nutrition guide, are now available at an 80% reduction in cost, while offering the most robust and effective workout guide available on the market today. The app is feels like a gimmick targeting affluent it-girls and Instagrammers. Our main audience is better served by the original product.”

About Bikini Body Guides:
Bikini Body Guides is an online resource center providing insightful, independent advice to people seeking health and fitness programs and apps. The website is regularly updated by a committed team of writers and researchers who keep a step ahead of the latest releases. Their independent, actionable, insightful advice aims to make fitness easier for all.

Contact Info:
Name: Barbara Carter
Email: admin@bikinibodyguides.com
Organization: BikiniBodyGuides.com
Phone: 302-526-4990

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/bikini-body-guides-barbara-carter-issues-commentary-over-sweat-with-kayla-app/194886

For more information, please visit http://www.bikinibodyguides.com/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 194886

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