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Biotech Bonanza: 4 Stocks With Pending Clinical or Preclinical News (And Why the Results Will Move the Stocks)

WINDSOR, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 2, 2015 / The Wealthy Biotech Trader (or “WBT”), an investment newsletter focused on showing everyday investors new opportunities in rapidly growing, little-known biotech, pharma, medical device and general healthcare stocks making news and subsequent market moves, would like to highlight a few names in the market with imminent FDA or preclinical news which is due to be announced before the end of the year- some are expected sooner. 

WBT trader likes to focus on events which are the most dramatic in terms of how the stocks react to the news, which is why we focus on phase II results (how well the drug works) for clinical stage companies, and efficacy phase results (how well the drug works) from stocks in the pre-clinical stage. Here are a few “coiled springs” Investors may want to watch closely. 

Propanc Health Group (OTCQB: PPCH) is a cancer (oncology) focused pre-clinical biotech company developing pharmaceuticals for the treatment of colorectal and pancreatic cancer which is awaiting data from their pre-clinical efficacy studies, which could move the stock in the very near future–the direction could be either way, but we are confident in some positive news as the company eluded to tumor shrinkage in their rat study group in a release from the summer (click here to read: http://yhoo.it/1HlwsPw).

Overall, the deaths from cancer is projected to grow an astounding 60% from 2012 to 2030–that is with the current treatment regime available to doctors/ patients–which leaves a significant opportunity to treat the over 100+ types of cancer and potentially (hopefully!) not see this number increase as projected (maybe even shrink?). 

The amount of yearly global deaths attributed to colorectal and pancreatic cancers (Propanc’s focus market) is roughly 694,000. These two cancers have a very high mortality rate (death), and therefore the market for the current drugs is seemingly small. With increasing survival rates, drug companies could see their market potential, for any drug, expand. Currently, the combined market for pancreatic and colorectal cancer drugs is expected to reach about $10 Billion by 2020–very large, but could get bigger if new drugs are developed… and the problem with the current drug/ treatment regimen is that they only extend life for the patient, on average, for several months, but often at the expense of significant toxcicity..

Enter Propanc Health Group (OTCQB: PPCH):

Propanc (OTCQB: PPCH) is a name we want readers to keep a close eye on as they are currently completing their pre-clinical animal studies (testing on animals before humans as prescribed by the FDA’s process) for their lead product/ drug PRP which would then potentially be used to meet with the European Regulatory Agencies and the FDA to confirm the development pathway prior to starting human clinical trials in Europe.. PRP is something quite unique and promising as it forces cancerous cells to revert back to normal non-cancerous cells helping a cancer patient fend off a resurgence from these evil creatures which, as they often do, attempt to stage a resurgence (long-term use after remission). PRP is also being studied to potentially fight current tumors by the same cell reversion process in conjunction with inducing an enhancing effect on the immune system.

What is most important to point out to readers is that PPCH should be reporting their efficacy findings from their pre-clinical animal studies which they have been conducting for the past 6+ months. The Company has reported a string of positive news for the past 8 months which has kept investor excitement at fairly high levels and we expect to see more of the same in the exciting times ahead (November – February).

Interested readers should take a look at a research report ($1.52 price target; current share price ~$0.04) on the Company written by SeeThru Equity, an equities research firm.

Read the full report by clicking here: http://bit.ly/1N9W6hV
Take a look at PPCH’s stock by Clicking here: http://yhoo.it/1PS2sE9
Review the Company’s Investor Presentation: http://bit.ly/1HcXIkz 

Another interesting Company is Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (NASDAQ: ABUS). Arbutus Biopharma Corporation is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering, developing and commercializing a cure for patients suffering from chronic hepatitis B infection. They are developing a portfolio of drug candidates with multiple mechanisms of action that they believe will result in a combination therapy that will transform the HBV treatment landscape and cure hepatitis B virus disease. In addition to our HBV Assets, we are developing a pipeline of Oncology, Anti-viral and Metabolic Programs that leverage our expertise in RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics and our Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP)technology.

ABUS‘ golden goose will most likely lie in the development of their hepatitis drug TKM-HBV, a RNAi therapeutic in Phase I clinical trial. Hepatitis is a huge market, but we like this name for something a little more outbreak worthy: their Ebola drug candidate TKM-Ebola-Guinea which is expecting phase 2 results before the end of the year. The last time the company mentioned anything Ebola related (or the news out of Africa), the stock tripled in a few trading sessions. This is one to watch like a hawk.

A third stock set to release phase I/II (combined phase one and two) is Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ: CORT). Corcept is a pharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery, development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of severe metabolic, oncologic and psychiatric disorders. The company is conducting a Phase 1/2 trial of mifepristone for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer which is supposed to be release before the end of 2015. This difficult to treat breast cancer could be a blockbuster that a major company would want (to acquire) and could provide very valuable to the company provided these results come in favorably.

CORT has literally been in a trading band between $1.00 and $7.50 for the past 10 years, and any drastic news on mifepristone could send it up 100%+ or down 75%. If it ends up being great news and the stock breached $7.50 and creates a new floor of support, a new breakout could unfold bringing the stock potentially well past $10.00.

The last company we will analyze as an example of what can happen at these phase I/II and phase II trial results. Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: CNAT) has just announced phase II results on one of its top drug under development, emricasan. The news was fairly good and the stock shot up 75%, which is nothing to sneeze at. Although this is a relatively small move, as many of the positive announcements of promising drugs can see stock prices shoot up many multiples of their former selves, it is a prime example of how to pick a stock before they move and capitalize on gains–it just takes a bit of work.

The Wealthy Biotech Trader is always researching new trade ideas which have the makings for large market moves. Traders are urged to follow our parent outlet, The Wealthy Venture Capitalist on social media (see below) to stay apprised. We are an anti-email media outlet, and as such will only be releasing our reports/ updates/ news through Text Message Alerts, Twitter and Facebook.


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This report/release/profile is a commercial advertisement and is for general information and entertainment purposes only. We are engaged in the business of marketing and advertising companies for monetary compensation unless otherwise stated below. The Wealthy Biotech Trader and its employees are not a Registered Investment Advisors, Broker Dealers or a member of any association for other research providers in any jurisdiction whatsoever and we are not qualified to give financial advice. The information contained herein is based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data. The Wealthy Biotech Trader encourages readers and investors to supplement the information in these reports with independent research and other professional advice. All information on featured companies is provided by the companies profiled through their website, news releases, and corporate filings, or is available from public sources and The Wealthy Biotech Trader makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the disclosure by the profiled companies. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides investors a ‘safe harbor’ in regard to forward-looking statements. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact may be “forward looking statements”. Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates, and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through use of words such as “projects”, “foresee”, “expects”, “will”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “believes”, “understands”, or that by statements indicating certain actions “may”, “could”, or “might” occur. Understand there is no guarantee past performance will be indicative of future results. 

The Wealthy Biotech Trader’s parent company has been and will be compensated $10,000 per month by Propanc Heath Group. The Wealthy Biotech Trader’s controlling parent company has also been compensated $60,000 by Propanc Heath Group in the form of a convertible note and readers should understand that they will convert this note into common shares sell them into the market as soon as the statutory 144 hold period has lapsed. The Wealthy Biotech Trader’s controlling parent company has also been compensated 4 million restricted shares of Propanc by Propanc Health Group. 

Readers must visit our website at www.wealthyventurecapitalist.com in order to view our entire disclaimer which covers most of the risks, biases and liability releases to have a full understanding after reading this article.

SOURCE: The Wealthy Biotech Trader

ReleaseID: 433171

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