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Black Actress Talks Directing her Indie Film and Diversity in Hollywood

Los Angeles, CA – On April 28 2015, Tracy Ann Lisa Williams launched a Kickstarter campaign for I THINK YOU SHOULD FLEE, the actresses’ directorial debut. I THINK YOU SHOULD FLEE is an Indie classical horror film about six friends who celebrate passing their bar exams at a cabin where they discover a mysterious trunk linked to hundreds of disappearances.

“Horror fans know what it’s like to run out of horror movies to watch, or run out of entertaining movies period,” the team explains, “We wanted to create something that would make you laugh while being very creeped out. We wanted to make sure the classics come back to mind. Think of all the classic horror movies you can remember and the great ones that pop to mind.”

The film I THINK YOU SHOULD FLEE is the first installment of what has the makings of a potentially successful franchise according to insiders close to the campaign. The screenplay was written by Tracy Williams herself, who has been published before. Tracy is the CEO of Ale Ben Aba Films, a small indie film company founded in 2010 and based in the Antelope Valley.

I THINK YOU SHOULD FLEE is gaining buzz on social media, which the creator attributes to being persistent. According to one person close to the I Think You Should Flee campaign, the film turned to crowdfunding because financing in Hollywood for Indie Filmmakers and creators is like searching for a ‘needle in a haystack’.

“Hollywood is tough and competitive and even more so for minorities, no one disputes that. But it has gotten better over the years and that’s a good thing,” Tracy says, “So for backers, rest assured you have an organized campaign of team players who are pulling this off. Each backer becomes very special to us, and the rewards are a personal part of this project.”

In exchange for pledging to the project, backers can gain access to a variety of rewards including Twitter and Instagram shout outs for $20, shout outs and a thank you card with a picture of the cast signed by each member for $65, or a copy of the digital movie with the original script on PDF for $99. Backers can also pledge to receive unreleased bloopers, behind the scene extras, posters, t-shirts, and more!

For more information, please visit the Kickstarter page here or contact the creator below.

Image: https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/projects/1814256/photo-original.png?v=1430273949&w=1024&h=768&fit=crop&auto=format&lossless=true&s=7fe8754e2a8a8e8bfa65ea9afcec8744

Distributed by CrowdfundingPR

Media Contact
Company Name: Horror Film: I Think You Should Flee
Contact Person: Tracy Ann Lisa Williams
Email: ithinkyoushouldflee@gmail.com
Phone: 661-941-6564
Country: United States
Website: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/876041924/i-think-you-should-flee-horror-film?ref=nav_search

ReleaseID: 501092

Source: GetNews

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