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Boris Mizhen Remains Big Fan of Steve Jobs

His strategic expertise was inspiring.

New York, NY – August 3, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

It is often overlooked that, although the name of Steve Jobs will forever be linked to computing, it was his creative entrepreneurship boosted his meteoric rise. Incredible success and ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, it is these traits that Boris Mizhen, online entrepreneur and marketing guru, drew his greatest inspiration from. The Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs inspired him to eventually achieve his own technology-related success.

“Perhaps what inspired me most about Steve Jobs was his strategic expertise,” Mizhen shared. This is a fact that cannot be disputed, as Jobs’ greatest strength is widely unknown by the public. At the time of Apple’s formation, Jobs was helping facilitate the development and sale of the Apple I computer. While the industry did take notice, it was the Apple II, which Jobs helped develop, that skyrocketed the company to fame and fortune. Boris Mizhen admires the earlier stories about Jobs’ enthusiasm and integrity and applies it to his own work ethic when building his business. Mizhen reveals “It is through Jobs’ lessons, that I learned technical ability alone won’t ensure success in the technology field. The trick is to anticipate what the public wants and know how to provide it.”

Another trait of Jobs’ that Boris Mizhen has adopted is his unique business judgment. “History has shown that although his business decisions would not always result in immediate profits, his willingness to take risks due to a long-term vision resulted in great successes,” he notes. Apple’s haste to change direction and part ways with Jobs saw the company hit an all time low. However, his return to the company was the catalyst for Apple’s accession to the very top of the technology world. “His decision to branch out into developing or improving on software outside the company’s original focus not doubt terrified investors and shareholders,” Mizhen said. “But we all know the result of that bold business move!” Boris Mizhen has established himself as an authority in marketing strategy, online advertising, digital media, social media and a host of related fields due to the lessons learned from pioneers like Jobs. Mizhen is sure to add that mirroring Jobs’ ability to turn dreams into great successes was also reliant on one more trait: forward thinking. “A favorite quote I share with Jobs is by hockey great Wayne Gretzky: ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.’ I always look ahead to see where the technology and the marketing world will head next and ensure I’ll already be there when it arrives!”

Boris Mizhen is a New York City-based real estate developer and entrepreneur, whose career launched when he developed a number of online advertising and marketing websites. Born with a strong business instinct, Mizhen learnt at a young age how to use every opportunity to his advantage. In addition to his online companies, Mr. Mizhen also manages numerous real estate properties across the North-East of the United States providing stable housing to families in different regions. He enjoys spending his extra time and energy by contributing to charities and organizations that offer help to those who need it most. By pursuing his passion in philanthropic causes, Boris Mizhen remains passionately involved with social activism across the world.

Boris Mizhen – Property Developer and Philanthropist: http://borismizhennews.com

Boris Mizhen (@bmizhen) – Twitter: https://twitter.com/bmizhen

Boris Mizhen – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bmizhen

Contact Info:
Name: BMN
Email: boris@borismizhennews.com
Organization: BorisMizhenNews.com

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/boris-mizhen-remains-big-fan-of-steve-jobs/224644

For more information, please visit http://www.borismizhennews.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 224644

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