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Business Owners Encouraged to Appreciate Their Employees More

There are more people unhappy with their jobs than there are satisfied with their working lives. This is a trend that should worry small business owners, as unhappy workers are believed to cost in the region of $400 billion to the American economy alone.

Perth, Australia – September 20, 2017 /PressCable/

Figures suggest that there are more people unhappy with their jobs than there are satisfied with their working lives. This is a trend that should greatly worry small business owners, as unhappy and disengaged workers are believed to cost in the region of $400 billion to the American economy alone.

While it is easy to think that people are most interested in their salaries, there are a number of other issues that can cause someone to be unhappy at work. From lack of recognition to poor working conditions, people who don’t have a great working environment won’t be happy.

In addition, some surveys show that a third of workers blame poor behaviour from their managers for their unhappiness with their job.

Any of the many issues that can cause an employee to be dissatisfied at work may lead to knock-on effects for the business such as the likes of lower productivity, poor morale, and high staff turnover. However, there is no need for company owners to simply accept unhappy employees as a part of life.

Founder of YourBusinessCoachingClub, Craig Ridley, pointed out that, “managers showing higher levels of appreciation to staff can make a big difference to their happiness.” He pointed out that giving them a safe and healthy working environment should be one of any company’s main priorities.

Mr Ridley added that, “good communication between employer and employees is also essential for a smooth and harmonious future together.” By focusing on personal conversations and little gestures of appreciation it is possible to build up a stronger bond that helps the company and its staff to progress together.

YourBusinessCoachingClub is a powerful business coaching club that is designed to help entrepreneurs to improve their chances of business success. With specialized coaching from a business expert and access to worldwide business owners, the benefits of this site are available for under 50 cents per day. The YourBusinessCoachingClub approach has already led to many new members signing up.

Contact Info:
Name: Craig Ridley
Organization: PGW Solutions Pty Ltd
Address: GPO Box R1254, Perth, Western Australia 6844

For more information, please visit https://yourbusinesscoachingclub.com/

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 241412

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